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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. We've gone from conceding very few goals ,to (so far) 4 in 4 days, 'tis a worry.
  2. Don't do it Frankie, it was our first defeat, you'll get over it.? .
  3. Maybe my fault Bill, think i may have forgotten to enable that option.
  4. ..Yes i know, but it had to be done. Struggling to remember any real stand out player from this game ,but Tav , far from his best, gets my vote.
  5. Me personally, i think they look cheap and nasty, and i wouldn't give them house room.
  6. Unbeaten in the league, we're scoring quite a lot of goals. we're not conceding many at all, what's not to be confident about ? .
  7. It was also a cure for Aids back in the day.
  8. Brilliant strike from Itten that shot was threaded through the eye of a needle to beat the keeper at his near post, and also a first class pass to Hagi for what was nearly a second goal .
  9. Well i'm not going to knock it ,as we haven't lost a game since taking the knee.
  10. Draw'll do fine though ? I look forward to the meltdown .
  11. Seems there was inappropriate language used toward the end there. Gerrard clearly mouthing to the ref "I heard it".
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