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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Just like to add March 20th being the date when all supporters are allowed back in to stadiums ,and pubs are open (But just for the day ) to that scenario.
  2. Far from our best in the first half, but still kept a clean sheet ,definite improvement in the second half though. Who gets your vote ? McGregor for me .
  3. How many games in recent seasons have we outplayed them and came away with nothing ? It's all about the points. Brilliant win
  4. Seems unlikely they would release their starting line up this early.
  5. A good few ok performances, without any one player being too outstanding. (Hoping we're saving the 'outstanding' for Saturday ) Great to see Morelos scoring again ,and overall, just looking that bit sharper. Kamara for me though, worked hard for his team mates, and he's just a great reader of the game.
  6. Some decent performances, against our toughest opponents this season ,but good to see Aribo starting to regain the form that made him our best player at the start of the season. Hagi gets my vote though, he's not had many starts recently, but on form ,he's very much a player that can make things happen.
  7. Good hard fought win today, now a 19 point lead, which hopefully remains intact at the end of play today.
  8. Morelos having no luck atm, not even at keepy uppy into the box ?
  9. Without doubt, Tav's form ,which has possibly made him a better captain too.
  10. A few contenders for this one, which is always good . Aribo and Hagi playing the way we know they can ,and Roofe doing what he does yet again. Kamara putting in another great performance, gets my vote..
  11. Some good second half performances ,Roofe gets my vote.
  12. No coincidence that this story comes out the same week that Dougie out of Travis, outs himself as a Rangers supporter. They really need to get over it.
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