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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Think we're doing ok ,but they've ripped us open too easily down their right side though, need to sort that out.
  2. Would you say it was a bit like being up 2-0 away from home, then conceding four in quick succession ? ?
  3. From German, popularised by Jürgen Klopp (1967-), German football manager. A tactic in which a team, after losing possession of the ball, immediately attempts to win back possession, rather than falling back to regroup
  4. Scotland v Austria tonight ,..in Vienna. This means nothing to me.
  5. Robby McCrorie coming in as third choice and keeping a clean sheet in such a high profile game...gets my vote.
  6. Don't see why they don't just pre designate the first pot teams into whatever groups, would save time.
  7. my virtual draw Lyon Rangers Ludogorets Midtjylland
  8. Just watched it,..a quite incredible piece of skill.
  9. We should be disposing of Alashkert regardless who plays, .. they struggled to get through against Connah Quay Nomads.
  10. Bassey putting in another decent shift, crossing much better too, it's just the rest of the team that need to get up to speed now.
  11. Lunstram off, down to ten ,that's us with the advantage now, isn't it ?
  12. Uefa will set out proposals next month to replace its Financial Fair Play rules with a salary cap and luxury tax by next year. Under the planned system, clubs in European competition would be limited to spending a fixed percentage of their revenue — possibly 70 per cent — on salaries. Any clubs breaching the cap would have to pay a luxury tax, under which the equivalent or more of any overspend would go into a pot to be redistributed.
  13. Going by the Gerrard interview ,there doesn't appear to be any offers of any description for any of our players ,not even Morelos.
  14. Full house at Ibrox for the first time in a year and a half , playing well ,1-0 up at half time , they have a man sent off,..what could possibly go wrong ?
  15. All that hard work last season, and we go out with a whimper at the first hurdle.
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