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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Ended 1-0 , Joe hopefully on his way home now .
  2. Combination of poor play, and conditions that we didn't handle too well,...throw in a Clancy Wasn't the first time Hayes 'Accidentally' elbowed a player either , he's a master at it .
  3. Just waiting for Clancy to give broony the wink there, proper double act that two.
  4. Happy New Year all . Positive covid start for me ,..think it's still transmissible via this forum, so you all need to self isolate 😀 .
  5. Champagne Charlie certainly makes my pathetic pundits team for 2021,..up front, alongside Michael Stewart .
  6. Gio got the right reaction from the players last night , defence in particular seemed to show a bit more solidarity, and we're through ,when after the Hibs game ,all seemed a bit beyond us tbh. As nice as it would've been to get into the Lg cup final, the Hibs game was the last remaining part of Gerrard's legacy ,who had no success at all in cups , so we draw a. line under that one , and i'll take European football with Gio next year instead thank you very much. Only disappointment last night was queueing for a pie at half time only for the guy in front of me to get the last one 😀 .
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