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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. If common sense prevails then Matondo should be replaced with Wright at half time.
  2. As decent as Sakala has been the last couple of games , he had little to no impact today, and should've been subbed for Wright at half time, not 6 mins from the end.
  3. First Rangers game in a while that i actually enjoyed watching. Sakala was excellent today.
  4. If this is KRF Capitals website , then it's just a whole lot of nothing . The portfolio part in particular is just laughable.
  5. Not too disappointed with that result ,bit more about us in the second half, if Morelos hadn't missed that sitter it may have been a different game. Old cliche, but you've got to take your chances at this level.
  6. Excellent as always, never any dead air time when Eck's on the go . Colin looking totally bewildered when he started talking about Captain Beefhearts 'Trout Mask Replica' 😂 .
  7. What exactly would we go out swinging with ? We struggled to break down Dundee and Livi at home .
  8. Only the most goals ever conceded in the Champions league . But yes, you're right we should do something different, ...defend.
  9. Here's my line up for the Napoli game, consists of the classic 1-10 format. MCGREGOR TAVERNIER DEVINE KING DAVIES SANDS JACK DAVIS ARFIELD YILMAZ BARISIC .
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