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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Thanks for that, here's me trying to remain positive about the remaining four months of football ,our recent unbeaten run under the new manager ,and some of the unpredictability that football throws up. What the hell was i thinking about ?.
  2. Were Fenerbahce not recently linked with Morelos ? seems about the right fit to me. Given his current form absolutely no chance of his dream move to the EPL. Wherever he goes, i can see him still ending up back at Rangers.
  3. Going to state the obvious here, but we need another goal.
  4. Missed the game tonight, just watched the highlights . We play like that on the 2nd and we'll get ripped apart.
  5. Well done to @Gonzo79 ...and to @Rousseau for brilliant organisation.
  6. It's up to you if you want to commit suicide by going for Argentina, who am i to argue 😉 .
  7. I don't really bet much at all, last time in a bookies about 4 years ago, but though i'd bet on Croatia as an outside 50-1 bet in my local Ladbrokes. There were no tickets, so i wrote the bet out on a blank slip , but they wouldn't accept it ,said it had to be on a world cup ticket or on the machine ,of which i have no knowledge of, so ended up leaving tail between my legs, ..,mugged off by the bookies .☹️. Saved myself 20 quid though.
  8. The way things have been going for you in the prediction league Compo, i'd go with France.
  9. Safest World Cup ever according to most accounts ,unlike some other countries that i won't name ,like Brazil , where you had to watch your back at every turn for the fear of being mugged . Got to be honest, i miss a bit of the old drunken mass brawling outside the pubs, gives a bit of edge to proceedings ,and far better than getting dressed up as a fucking chicken or whatever other ridiculous fancy dress outfits the supporters seem to be wearing, having said that , it takes some balls to wear a chicken outfit sober .
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