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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. It's that old saying 'It's better to regret what you have done than what you haven't'. If it starts to go in a direction that you're not entirely happy with ,then you just pull the plug.
  2. If it were based purely on game time so far Cantwell'd easily be player of the season. Just need the rest to get up to speed.
  3. Can anyone into stats tell me exactly how many goals Shankland has scored against us ,or the scum ?
  4. No away supporters at their midden ,so it's Row A or B with as much force as possible . Guaranteed result every time.
  5. Given his outstanding record at Dundee Utd ,(one win yesterday ) surely Jim Goodwin is now a stick on for the Hearts job.
  6. Poor Andy Robertson's going to need reconstructive surgery on his jaw after that brutal attack.🙄.
  7. Boxed brilliantly in an era when boxing was a sport and not a pantomime. Modern boxing is shite.
  8. 2-0 at home to the bottom team ...meh. Ross Co could put some daylight between themselves and dundee utd tomorrow, ..i live in hope.
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