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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. On the subject of Scottish talent, i thought our own Ross McCausland gave a good account of himself today, looked very lively when he came on.
  2. Ah the good old days, when shorts were actually shorts, and Willie Miller was Scotland's greatest referee.
  3. No complaints today, that was a pretty decent overall performance and a good result. We seemed to have more of that urgency that was lacking of late ,some good pressing ,and also good movement off the ball. Probably all amounts to an actual gameplan .
  4. Just viewed it, lots of really good passing, and multiple crosses into the box ,groundbreaking stuff tbh. Did notice Lammers and Dessers together for the session, maybe they feel there's safety in numbers.
  5. Why just Beales signings ? .
  6. Along with Cantwell ,Raskin and Butland,..maybe Beales true vocation is DoF.
  7. A man that’s always been more than comfortable in his own skin . But we can’t expect him to just roll up and light up the dressing room, he’s going to take some time to get used to the joint. Hopefully he’ll weed out those making a hash of things.
  8. Some very heavy rain predicted , so pitch could be unplayable come Sunday,..maybe not a bad thing.
  9. Not at all surprised by tonights result, just a continuation of the Aberdeen game really. What were people expecting, some sort of miracle from an interim rookie manager ?
  10. Maybe he'll now have time to complete those half finished jobs at home.
  11. Unfortunately you're not allowed to do that anymore as it counts as mental abuse ,and modern players will need a year to six months off ,and constant counselling to recover from it. Think it was Paul Sturrock when managing some English club, he sent them down the mines to work for a day as a reality check. He'd get the jail for doing that these days.
  12. The Rae Davis duo have until Thursday to iron out any Kinks.
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