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Franc Ergs

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Posts posted by Franc Ergs

  1. 4 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I decided to avoid the Bear congregation and do some sightseeing today (Bierpinsel, Kaiser Wilhelm church and some unexpected journeys due to construction work on large parts of the S Bahn...somebody could've warned me!). 


    My son and I had a good laugh at some cross dressers on the U Bahn and it has to be said that German blokes really should avoid black leather jackets - no matter how they wear them they look like they're in the SS. 🤣


    Soviet memorial will be visited tomorrow, pre-match, in honour of our East Berliners.  I'm hoping to fit in Hitler's Schwerbelastungskörper and Bowie's apartment too but the S Bahn issue may hamper that.  


    Mon The Rangers!  



    I do hope you're bringing one of these home as a wee memento .       





  2. 5 minutes ago, Gribz said:

    Haha clocks....someone who relies on a construct. 


    Roger that - you have a point. This must be the first ever game where (if its Kyiv) that the games will 2 legged be played at neutral stadia. 


    As for your jibe - as someone who doesnt have to worry about clock detail I have pretty good faith in Big Phil. Seriously - why is the mess Ian Beale made so quickly forgotten?  

    No reason to drag Eastenders into this.

  3. 1 hour ago, MacK1950 said:

    Just watched the Open Finale does anyone think that the winner is a Dessers lookalite????  Sorry I don't have/knoe how to post photoes.

    There is a slight resemblance, Dessers is the better looking of the two, but Dessers unfortunately doesn't have Schauffele's ball skills.

  4. 28 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    I have, if you can't see it, then I'm done pointing it out. 


    But for clarification ;


    - horrific player recruitment.

    - horrific management recruitment. 

    - horrific decisions allowing a manager complete control of signings.

    - poor use of the little disposable income we have.

    - horrific decisions in boardroom (steel for Copland, Celtic Friendly etc).

    - silence from the boardroom.

    - etc, etc, etc. 


    So basically 2012.

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