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Franc Ergs

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Franc Ergs last won the day on June 15

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  1. Harry Kane the undroppable captain , remind you of anyone ?
  2. Dying to know who won the prediction league, any updates? I'd love to have won the coveted first prize of the weekend in Berlin for one...just wasn't meant to be.
  3. Spain are superior in every way ,and if they play like they can, then they will rip England apart .
  4. Surely extra time and penalties .
  5. Safe to say neither England or Netherlands will trouble Spain .
  6. Spain 1- 1 France 🃏 Holland 1- 1 England
  7. Very dull England v Swiss first half. Problem is, neither team wants to lose, extra time and penalties looming.
  8. Spain 1-1 Germany Portugal 0-2 France 🃏 England 1-1 Switzerland Netherlands 3-1 Turkey
  9. Not as noteworthy ?..surely you mean not even noteworthy.
  10. No-one score any points for the Italy Switzerland game then ?
  11. Given the recent coupon buster results i decided to with the non favourites ,just need Italy to score one now 🤞
  12. Franc Ergs

    New kit

    I think it looks even worse. The players look defeated before a ball is even kicked.
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