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Everything posted by sannybear

  1. I really wonder at the credulity of so many of us . When will we realise that we`re being played like a fish ? . I would trust CG as far as I would trust craig shyte . End of story .
  2. No , this was before he resigned , he had a meeting in Green`s office .
  3. why should they pay £20m when CG got control for £5.5m and has spent £8.7m or so in total ? . His coffers are nearly bare , can`t get banking facilities with a major bank , greatly depleted squad and season book sales in the 100s ? .
  4. Pefectly true , but he would sell to anyone who offers him enough money .
  5. £20m apparently
  6. So they should just pay whatever Green asks ? .
  7. 1, not as a front man , but perhaps in another role given the circumstances . 2, as I understand it he went to Green and asked him his price . There has been mud thrown from both sides . 3, real money men would not pay a tenner for something worth a fiver . They might offer £4 but be prepared to pay £6 . The whole background to this sorry state of affairs has to be considered . Real money men tend to steer clear of bottom feeders like shyte , duff&phelps , Green and all these other chancers .
  8. By the same token wouldn`t you like to know who is behind sevco ? . Was Sheffield utd better off for CG`s time in charge - do their fans think so ? .
  9. To me , he went as far as he possibly could without burning his boats . When was the last time you heard of a manager telling the fans not to buy a season ticket ? .
  10. Just my opinion , but I think Bomber is playing a role and acting at the behest of others . Ally`s refusal to endorse Green&co speaks volumes , surely ? . I don`t want to say anymore but I repeat this is just my opinion and no more than that .
  11. For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would support or even be prepared to tolerate Green & co when there are far betteralternatives if we only stick together and starve him of what he`s really after - our cash ! .
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