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Everything posted by sannybear

  1. Personally I`d welcome an orange top , still got the "tangerine" one hanging up here . I`m not religious at all , just would like a new version to wind up our enemies . Well said Max about this forum - easily the best Rangers forum on the `net .
  2. He contradicted himself three times in one interview about listening to fans wishes , I`m not having a go at him anymore `cos he`s done a very good job so far and there`s no alternative , but it`s a fact that he did . My opinion on the share issue is unchanged , I won`t be getting involved initially at least .
  3. It`s a sobering thought that mad phil is regarded as too moderate in his views by many of the grey and green persuasion .
  4. Dr Goebbels was a journalist . Was an attack on him an attack on democracy ? .
  5. Can you believe this ira-loving piece of filth has the effrontery to claim we have attacked democracy ? "I think this is a dark day for journalism in Scotland when a major title can be forced into self-censoring in this fashion. "The most worrying aspect of this are the threats aimed at Simon Houston who interviewed me. An attack on a journalist is an attack on journalism and, ipso facto, an attack on democracy."
  6. I think we ALL have to "vote with our wallets" - boycott all News International products and let them know why , just stopping the Scottish Sun isn`t enough . Squeeze them `til the pips squeak . I don`t think the club should get involved with scum like that .
  7. I`ve said it before but I`ll say it again - all this cr@p started with martin o`neill , he was the instigator and brought all this bigotry and hatred to the surface . Before him it was for the most part a football rivalry ; he made it cultural and ethnic , pandering to the worst elements in their support and instilling a sense of discrimination that they had to fight against . All bollocks of course , but it has led to this - a Sunday paper headline story about a mentally ill bigot who has made it his life`s work to destroy us , yet being portrayed as a victim . In this appalling example of journalism at its worst only one sentence rings true -"There was insufficient evidence and no arrests were made.” - Anyone who followed the Alex Thomson twitter row will remember that same statement being issued then , no surprise there .
  8. The Sun has become increasingly celtic-orientated in recent years , like the Herald and the BBC , through celtic-minded journos reaching positions of influence within the paper . They are responsible for this campaign of covertly attempting to deliberately antagonise and isolate us and our club .
  9. shame we didn`t get McGowan too , he`s a good player who would`ve knitted in well with Black .
  10. Agreed , nothing new there . The links from CG to Ticketus are clear enough to be beyond question for me now - the question remains about whether a certain goggley-eyed character is somehow still involved .
  11. Best laugh in ages - the twat Regan isn`t fit to run a sweetie shop ! .
  12. You would have thought so . I cancelled it during his last stint after taking it for years . I think their circulation plummeted at that time and has never recovered . It was no loss to me but their business section has always been well regarded and I think still is .
  13. He is poison and his religion has nothing to do with it .
  14. any more crap about sanctions , titles and we should withdraw from any Scottish league and prepare to go south . Feck the lot of them !
  15. An out-and-out tim whose boss is a fellow tim , yet had the audacity to describe us as "the establishment club" in that recent bbc documentary .
  16. Utterly bizarre , hard to see how this can be true except the bit about BDO , that I can well believe .
  17. Or else what ? he`s got us by the short and curlies .
  18. I think it`s all too late now . Today was the day to put his cards on the table and he seems to have nothing , wonder what was the point of a meeting at all if that`s all he has to offer . Bitterly disappointed .
  19. that`s very disappointing if true .
  20. We could well end up with this type of scenario - Share placings: Why you lose out - http://www.moneyweek.com/investment-advice/penny-shares/mystery-and-misinformation-in-the-world-of-penny-shares-57621 , from about half way down the page , happens regularly with AIM-listed companies .
  21. Everyone can make up their own minds and that`s how it should be , but I can assure you they are not planning this for the benefit of the club . I`ve seen it too many times on the AIM market and have a fair idea how it will pan-out . There will be other ways to supply the club with money and I don`t want a lot of well-intentioned bears getting caught out by this mob .
  22. there`s not a chance I will buy shares if they are listing the newco on the AIM market and I hope any Bear considering it looks into it very thoroughly before committing any funds . You will not be helping our club , far from it .
  23. That may be , but who does it legally belong to ? . It is a fair question .
  24. roll up ! roll up !
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