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Everything posted by sannybear

  1. Still , we don`t have neil lennon as manager .
  2. I think it still suits the agendas of different parties ( media , certain shareholders , board members past and present etc ) to keep the waters muddied . Sooner or later we`ll all have to face up to the fact that we are owned and controlled by parties connected to octopus/ticketus .
  3. Well said , Imran . Who`s getting your shares by the way ? .
  4. This is starting to come together in a way that I can get my head around - " Follow the money" as they say .
  5. I can honestly say I have never hated anyone so much in all my life as I hate this wee goggly-eyed cnut .
  6. FS - Is there any connection between the £3m pension fund mentioned in the 2nd paragraph and RFC ? cheers
  7. I truly believe the game has changed , GS . Remember their statement when we got a favourable outcome with the big tax case or the lurgan bigot`s outpourings on matters concerning us that have sweet FA to do with him ? . Make no mistake , they mean to finish us off or at least leave us permanently disabled . We need someone to meet them head on , not turn the other cheek .
  8. I reckon he used the Arsenal shares money .
  9. It looks like that`s the only way we`ll ever get to the truth about this whole sordid mess . What a disgrace ! .
  10. My worry is the damage green and his pals could do to our club as the door is hitting their arses on the way out .
  11. Surely that depends on who actually owns Rangers ? . All I know is Green himself claims to be the biggest shareholder . The same Green who was chasing whyte up for a few thousand for legal costs a year ago .
  12. I want nothing to do with the cnuts - none of them . Get us into any of the English leagues and let them fester in the cesspit of their own making .
  13. i`d love Thomson back , was very underrated for us .
  14. the question remains , why was he there ?
  15. This kind of outlandish nonsense is par for the course on the AIM . PT Barnum would be right at home there.
  16. As if this is in any way unusual ! . This kind of journalism goes on every day and not just in Glasgow , not just football either . To claim otherwise is preposterous and/or prevarication . Tomo`s blog is solely intended to cause embarrassment to Traynor , which probably tells us all we need to know about Tomo and his standard of "journalism" .
  17. Too right about Wee Durranty and I remember Gazza thought so highly of him too .I`ll never forgive that scumbag or their verminous fans either . What might have been , eh ? .
  18. A good player and at the right age to come to us , hope we get him .
  19. I don`t class the RST investors as fools or even misguided . On the contrary , they are probably better fans than me . I do believe it is a foolish investment however . If you want to see it as a donation that`s probably for the best , yet what percentage of shares will the RST hold and how much influence can they hope to wield ? .
  20. Follow the money and it leads to LBG`s door . But what I`d like to know is why did Ticketus loan so much to a well-known dodgy cnut like CW ? .
  21. A wee question for everybody , I`m genuinely curious ... If you wanted to float a company on the stock market and could do so at any time , what would be the worst week of the year to do it ? .
  22. It`s the share dilution ( in securing additional capital ) that really stuffs the ordinary investor , not a problem for Green & co as they can award themselves new free shares whenever they want - which they can sell at market price ; but at some point , shares that cost pounds will be worth pennies - what then ? . At some point the goose will stop laying the golden eggs and CG and his pals will have an exit strategy planned . These guys are pro`s and this is what they do . Still no full disclosure on original equity holders and dare I say title deeds ? .
  23. any rule-changing by the SFA to suit DU should be met by our immediate withdrawal from the cup .
  24. He`s just a fool , I`m afraid to say .
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