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Everything posted by sannybear

  1. Didn`t he try to buy Green out for a price in about the 30`s ? or maybe Green told him the McColl group had offered him that but he told them to stick it as he was holding out for 70p ? Can`t remember but it was something like that .
  2. The fact they are getting them sold means someone is building a stake or adding to their existing holding . It`s a significant number of shares anyway .
  3. There will be quite a few just getting what they can for them , maybe needing the money at this time of year . Whoever sold 15,000 has taken quite a hit - assuming they didn`t get them for a penny , that is .
  4. Only 53 , terribly sad . RIP
  5. To me it seems a big dilution is coming and those in the know are selling off what they can . Any talk of small shareholders (fans) grouping together to buy at this price (which appears cheap) is folly in my opinion . Normally share price is manipulated upwards before dilution , I can only assume this has proven impossible - no good news imminent , no prospect of jam tomorrow , no real faith in the board . No doubt the AGM voting was putting a bottom on the share price which no longer applies . I ask myself - who would buy even at this price ? .
  6. "pure Micawberism" lol
  7. there`s only one thing that will send this lot packing - cold , hard cash . Well that or a boycott of season tix , which is unthinkable for a support as loyal as ours .
  8. surely Stockbridge would know that if it were the case ? .
  9. re. the £50k leccy bill , someone is lying and I`m sure it can easily be proved who it is - so let`s see the receipt ! .
  10. http://neillennon.com/product/nl-gbnl-t-shirt-print/ Wonder what the GB stands for , Great Britain ? . I`m surprised there`s not one with a big "H" on the front . Unbelievable .
  11. That is making an assumption that won`t stand up to scrutiny . The only reason to buy shares now is to get a vote or influence the outcome of the vote . With more fundraising a certainty and share dilution on the way , the actual "worth" of a share today is far less than the current price . Personally I wouldn`t touch them even at 10p , terrible but that`s how I see it . I won`t buy until we are being run by people I trust and I know there are many others who agree .
  12. "Yes, it changed when Neil Lennon took over as manager at Celtic and the hitherto marginal extremist element became emboldened enough to display overtly sectarian flags/banners, focusing on the fact that Lennon was Irish and a Catholic and shutting down the ability to legitimately criticise him for fear of being branded an "anti-Irish racist". " I believe the appointment of martin o`neill was the real game changer . What had always been the most intense football rivalry with religious differences in the background suddenly became full-on sectarianism . From reaching the point when Rangers` players religion was never mentioned ( I couldn`t have told you any of our players religion by 2000 and still couldn`t today ) , within weeks of o`neill`s arrival it was clear that far from playing down religious or ethnic differences , these would now be accentuated and utilised whenever possible to engender a feeling of being discriminated against . The man has a lot to answer for .
  13. Is Alex Thomson a member of opus dei ? I know the late Tommy Burns was and suspect quite a few of the usual suspects are .
  14. Not tims , although there are plenty with enough influence to keep the pot boiling . We have been undone by shameless bare-faced liars , completely amoral and blind with greed . They are opportunistic hyenas of the business world and operate in grey areas , trying to keep one step ahead while filling their pockets . Honour , honesty , decency mean nothing to people like this . We may in time discover the other players behind the scenes - I maintain that octopus/ticketus are , like SDM , far too capable to be taken in by whyte . If the upshot of all this is that we are demoted again then bring it on ! . A fresh start in the lower leagues where the prize of a spot in the EPL waits in the future , with a board comprising of honest custodians we can trust ; a clean break from this rotten establishment that clearly hates us as much as they fear our prosperity .
  15. To quote the lurgan bigot - "did I read that right?" . He`s comparing us to jimmy saville ? . This b@stards feet should not touch the ground for this , he should resign or be forced out immediately .
  16. £2m is a crapload of kitchen equipment . Wonder how much was actually spent on pots and pans ? .
  17. I think that was a plain-clothed officer trying to get away . I`m replying to Frankie not Ian (pic of tim who shat himself !) . You can see the guy with a light brown jacket lying on the ground after the mhob retreated .
  18. Wonderful to see the vhermin getting a good leathering from the plain-clothed guys , schum even attacking the trams , knee deep in their own filth . Amsterdam is by and large a really nice place to visit and the people and cops first rate , imagine booking a holiday there and these rhats turn up . What a disgrace these plastic paddies are , thank f@ck you never see a union jack or scottish flag among them .
  19. A bit like herding cats at the moment , sorry to say .
  20. Agree wholeheartedly with all you say but as for fan representation , they would have to be carefully chosen . The last thing needed is another divisive character on the board .
  21. Some people don`t seem to be able to grasp the fact that McColl isn`t getting involved for what he can get out of Rangers . I genuinely believe that both he and King have our club`s best interests at heart . You simply can`t compare them and their motives with these other chancers that have foisted themselves upon us . It can be extremely frustrating that not everyone can see through them ! .
  22. The only ownership Green&whyteco are interested in is taking ownership of other people`s money .
  23. Extraordinary to think we were nearly 60 years old when that film was taken . The US civil war had only ended 7 years previously , the Great War was still more than 40 years away etc.
  24. Because he fears it may be the truth !
  25. I`m touched by your faith in Mr Green`s integrity .
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