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Everything posted by sannybear

  1. He's too fly to go down with the ship like his father did . Incredible that a bottom feeder like whyte got one over him isn't it ? .
  2. I'm delighted for the lad , just the sort of youngster we badly need .
  3. Anyone even thinking about giving the board any money needs their head examined .
  4. A lot of decent , honest bears doing the best they can for the club they love ; but they are misguided I'm sorry to say . We'll never be rid of these parasites and fat cats if we keep feeding them and the forthcoming share issue will only keep the lights on to the new year - what then ? another dilution , more fund raising just to keep the fans holding at 5% or whatever ? . No , stop dancing to the board's tune . Give them nothing and starve them out . Going all out to raise £100k ? what's Wallace's bonus again ? .
  5. wonder how merlin will spin this latest revelation , coming soon after he supported the soros fantasy .
  6. You just begin to wonder where the next body blow is coming from and where this will all end . Utterly disgraceful .
  7. Terribly sad news . He will be missed .
  8. I thought Soros was Jewish too , anyway there`s as much chance of him buying in as there is Lord Lucan riding to the rescue on Shergar .
  9. He certainly should have taken the mic off and walked out .
  10. A fine gesture .
  11. Yes , terribly sad to say but true .
  12. If their transfer budget wouldn`t keep the ginger bigot at the piggery why would it attract mon , larshole , moyes etc. ? no chance .
  13. It suits them very well to have fans at each others throats , in fact a smart PR guy would make it his business to continually stir the pot and sow discord - divide and conquer . Does this sound familiar to anyone ? .
  14. Not when they control assets worth far in excess of the cw/ticketus deal . You could even argue they are sitting pretty with a divided fanbase and able to hire and fire at will ; being who they are I doubt if another administration event would faze them either .
  15. Anyone pondering how much cash it will take to be rid of the board needs to remember how much cw "diddled" out of Ticketus . I`ve taken stick for saying that before as there`s currently no proof but I maintain when the dust has settled it will be shown who was really behind the board .
  16. Worse than a tim , he`s an Uncle Tom
  17. Yep waste of time trying to argue with a bugger like that .
  18. https://www.companiesintheuk.co.uk/Purchase/ViewDocument/17642527 is that the correct link ? Good work guys , keep at them .
  19. I`ve been wondering about this too and can`t come up with a satisfactory answer . I suspect (well , I`m sure) there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we can only speculate about . Of course he would hold onto them until after the AGM vote to make sure it went their way is one reason , also there has to be a buyer in place for him to sell is another , but there will be more to it than that .
  20. Without a white knight to come in and pay to make them go away , I think sale and leaseback has been the endgame for them all along - " tough decision , had to be done , safeguards the club for future generations , blah blah blah " . It`s what happens when the board are only interested in extracting maximum value for the major shareholders and couldn`t give a toss about anything else - run the club into the ground until there`s no option but cash in the assets .
  21. Agreed , unless maybe if you knew what price the new shares would be offered at and it was substantially less than 24p ? .
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