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Everything posted by sannybear

  1. The board are limited now with what assets they can use as security would be my thinking .
  2. Why easdale money and not ashley money is the question ? . They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts .
  3. We just don't know who owns I think around 25% of shares , holdings of less than 3% . They could be held in an ashley minion's name or charles green's aunt fanny . Does it not seem inevitable an EGM will have to be held ? .
  4. If King + 3 bears + fans + Walter/Ally = 48% then the Easdale's holding might become crucial . This might not be over yet - how badly does Ashley want to keep control ? . I'm sure there are some holding shares who King etc. will not want to deal with , maybe the Easdales become the lesser evil . Although I'm delighted with the last couple of days action , the champagne's not getting opened until 51% is in the bag .
  5. BBCKheredine @BBCKheredine · 11m 11 minutes ago breaking news ; BBC Scotland has learned Ally McCoist has left his post as Rangers manager. More to follow across all BBC outlets BBCKheredine ‏@BBCKheredine 11m11 minutes ago Clarification on Rangers manager Ally McCoist; he's offered his resignation. Still to be confirmed when he'll leave his post. More to follow
  6. I think I'll rename my girls' wee Shetland pony after him .... ..... Thievingcuntyliarbollocks it is then .
  7. I'm in too , vote that Rab is given the signed Coisty print ? .
  8. For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would buy shares with this lot in charge - blind loyalty , bloody stupidity , God only knows . For all the good it will do you might as well piss it against a wall .
  9. When they think the dust has settled they come out with crap about still being fans etc. , sorry I'm not having it .
  10. Say what you like , when push came to shove they were only interested in number 1 .
  11. We paid the wee cnut's wages while he was injured then he stabbed us in the back - fuck him .
  12. We are akin to the prey of a boa constrictor ; struggle as we may , the snake just slowly tightens its grip .
  13. You seem to know exactly what happened Cammy . Care to enlighten the rest of us ? , were you there at the time ? .
  14. I often think that instead of buying more shares in the vain hope of building a meaningful stake ( the board will dilute or issue free shares to their pals rather than allow that ) , fan's groups would be better employing a good corporate lawyer with the aim of bringing these thieves to justice - that is if impropriety can be proven .
  15. Oh dear , how sad , never mind .
  16. http://www.scotsman.com/what-s-on/tv-radio/dj-suzie-mcguire-tried-to-take-own-life-over-abuse-1-3586627
  17. Merlin alleged that Murray and Whyte's father were in business together at one point . I think it was called Murray White , can't remember what line of business .
  18. It's all over , chaps . We're fucked if we boycott and fucked if we don't . This £2m won't last long , what securities will be offered then ? I think we all know what's coming . It's not as if there's going to be any resistance from the board now . Truth to tell , we were fucked from the moment DM sold to CW , everything thereafter has been a stitch-up .
  19. As far as there being something suspiciously hidden from view , logic (follow the money) would suggest that ticketus/octopus are in cahoots with ashley .
  20. Surely the front page story above is enough to open the eyes of even the most gullible - Ashley must be stopped ! .
  21. I have said this all along . Follow the money , there's no better rule in life .
  22. Sadly it's all to clear that King expects the fans to do the dirty work in seeing off his rivals . Not enough of us are prepared to do it .
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