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Everything posted by Gonzo79

  1. Hopefully the Tims face a draining and arduous journey to and from Astana.
  2. A huge problem for anyone coming into the Rangers hotseat is that, as Walter Smith said, they're always one match away from a crisis. Pedro has to start winning big matches.
  3. My one word summary for yesterday's match would be 'frustrating'. I thought we played okay - just missing a spark of creativity. Get Niko, Dodoo or Pena in attacking midfield and drop Miller. Apart from Hardie, did we have another forward on the bench yesterday? We seem to be lacking strength in depth, particularly up front.
  4. Agreed. Any time any current or ex-Ger says anything nice about that lot is unpleasant.
  5. You'd think something like that might happen eventually, although I'd prefer no Red Bull clubs were invited. I struggle to see how we can improve our lot in Europe as things stand. Remember when we used to buy the likes of De Boer? Now we're buying Mexicans no one has heard of.
  6. True. Ajax are in a similar position as Rangers. Huge club in a diddy league, being left behind by the new super rich clubs and unable to compete in Europe.
  7. There's an interview with him on the main bbc football page and this stood out for me: "I have a blue heart… it's something that you always wear. You always hope that they do well, when you see them struggling so much, it hurts."
  8. Pena has come from another continent and appears to have some issues, maybe medical and phychological. You can't expect every new player to hit the ground running.
  9. If we lose by more than two he has to go. Lessons should have been learned but so far nothing suggests they have. I don't see him being here at Xmas.
  10. We're in the first month of the season. Give Pena a bit of time.
  11. Kranjcar still has a great pass on him. If he plays in a central midfield three he can work. A bit like Jan Molby at Liverpool, who was fat and lazy but could spray passes about like nobody's business.
  12. Indian Sikhs and Hindus fought too.
  13. Every team is meating us in midfield. I like Jack and Dorrans but neither of them is particularly creative. Get Miller off and put Pena, Niko or Dodoo in there with Jack and Dorrans.
  14. I'd play Dodoo before Miller.
  15. Hopefully his entire life is miserable and full of suffering. No Bear would go to that lot.
  16. Miller is rubbish. He's done a job for us in the past but it's disappointing to see him start.
  17. Just back from the match. Feeling pretty flat but I had a good chat with an older Bear in Bar72 and saw Willie Johnstone as I left, which reminded me that WATP.
  18. I always thought Oor Wullie and The Broons were from Dundee - mainly cos that's where they were written. Every day's a school day...
  19. Some players turn up at a new club and hit the ground running. Others don't. That's life (Hateley wasn't well thought of until he'd been here half a season, for instance). Give the new lads a couple of months of game time before making proper judgements.
  20. I'm not from Edinburgh but it's worth remembering that the Scottish Reformation took place here and the Enlightenment had a huge impact and the remnants remain. I love Glasgow and Edinburgh and think it sums up a lot of what's wrong with Scotland and also Rangers supporters - rather than share and celebrate our combined heritage, we tend to argue and pick faults with our own. Rangers are a club I care deeply about. It's far more than just football. It's time to win our league back - beating Hearts is another marker on the road.
  21. They vary quite wildly. I live in Edinburgh and some Hearts fans are fine (enjoy a bit of rivalry but that's all it is) but others are objectionable gits who despise us. In my experience, finding out how they voted in 2014 is usually a good indicator of how it'll go.
  22. I really like Dodoo. He is a clever player, creates space for himself and others and I'd like to see him get some game time.
  23. I feel that's a wee bit unfair on Daly. I am certainly not his biggest fan but he was a decent, honest pro during his spell at Ibrox. Regarding tomorrow's match - I'm hoping for a good result but wouldn't bet on it. Other club sides seem to up their game to play us, as we've all seen since we got back up to the top division. Hearts will be bursting a gut and have some decent SPL standard players. What we need to do is get stuck in and take our chances. I'd prefer to see Miller dropped and Dodoo played in the No.10 role and Windass dropped too (turning up for 15 minutes per match simply isn't good enough).
  24. I do mean 'we' as in Rangers supporters. So do the press but strangely the Police and SFA seem less interested.
  25. We give Lennon far too much coverage. He'll be revelling in it.
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