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Everything posted by Gonzo79

  1. He shoves and kicks his way around Scotland and rarely gets pulled up for it. You'd hope one day someone will sort him out.
  2. If we keep losing heavily to that lot, PC won't last very long.
  3. Thompson went on to refer to Patrick Roberts as "mesmeric" and Celtc as "phenomenal" before Michael Stewart said Rodgers may face his first criticism in Scotland if PSG hump them (did he forget Red Imps or the 7-0 thrashing in Barcelona?). Pass the sick bucket.
  4. Just watching this and noticed they referred to John McGinn of Hibs as 'The Buffalo'. Isn't that a nickname for Morelos? Also, Steven Thompson saying Hibs won't push Aberdeen for 2nd but may push Rangers for 3rd or 4th. The wife is wondering why I'm shouting at the TV.
  5. Diversity and inclusion is promoted by Holyrood. ...unless you're a Unionist Rangers fan...then you can sod off.
  6. You'd be hard pushed to find a handful of MP/MSPs who like Rangers. What's the saying, "We were in the pub while they were in the library.".
  7. I watched a bit of the Forest match. They are very predictable. McKay looked decent in spells.
  8. I've been to Spain and Portugal and never had any attention of attending a bull-fight because I don't think it's remotely entertaining. But it's part of the culture over there and I appreciate different things about different parts of the world. It's none of our business. If PC wants to do it, I have no problem with that. Billy Davies is a clown.
  9. Good stuff from Foderingham. Hopefully Morelos continues his form and Pena takes a lot of encouragement from his goal and we get a couple of victories against Thistle before the yahoos turn up.
  10. HMRC were involved with our tax situation. John Reid had his fingers in that pie. Don't underestimate the influence of the scum. They are everywhere and want us to become an insignificance.
  11. Lawwell is a sneaky snake with friends in high places, which is why you'll not see Celtc getting into any bother for re-employing Torbett, amongst other cover ups and sexual assaults. Doesn't help when our board are so quiet and our supporters can barely agree on anything. Be better if we stood together against the slime but I won't hold my breath for that either.
  12. The Billy Boys is the best football song ever. That's exactly why the scum were determined to get it banned. They have succeeded thanks to our lack of backbone.
  13. Any Bear who buys that rag needs labotomised.
  14. So he's really a self-serving, snivelling lickspittle? Can't say I'm surprised. Bringing a disaster, where 96 people perished, into Rangers' tax situation is beyond reprehensible. I am genuinely shocked he's capable of going that low.
  15. They'll get away with it, as they always do. Supporting the IRA is fine, whereas disliking people who want to break up the UK is worthy of a court appearance.
  16. Spiers makes rats look good.
  17. That is incredible scumbaggery. I wouldn't even expect that from the worst kind of Tim.
  18. I'd love a Rangers player to crock the ugly toad. Unfortunately, we don't seem to have had players hard enough but I'm hoping Jack and Dorrans sort that out.
  19. The yahoo midfield has been getting away with murder these past few years. One wonders why all other club's fans harbour their main resentment for Rangers when Celtc players are kicking theirs all over the park.
  20. I'm dreading every match until we get a good run. We need a win.
  21. I'd be happy to see titles stripped, so long as any other club who were involved in utilising tax loopholes or say, re-employing people who have previously been sacked for extremely unsavoury and illegal activities were subject to the same procedures. By my calculations, we'd be further ahead of the perennial victims than we are now.
  22. I managed fine with all three prior to the internet but thanks.
  23. Tims don't take "No" for an anwer. History has proved that. Perhaps it's time for Rangers FC to take a more stern approach to dealing with that slime.
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