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Everything posted by Gonzo79

  1. Picking Bannan is strange. I used to think Strachan was a decent manager but not any more.
  2. We have a proper Tranny Army bloke in my work. I'll be sure to smirk when he returns from Slovenia.
  3. Celtic, along with Hibs and Dundee Utd, also introduced sectarianism to Scottish football. And did so by nicking Hibs' players and strips. They are wrong'uns, no doubt about it.
  4. Big Jock Knew. Tims don't really have any response to this because it's true.
  5. We should have a 500th Anniversary of the Reformation banner at Murrayfield and no Bear should buy a ticket for the Piggery. I went when I was younger but I grew up and realised what filth they are...I wouldn't give them a gram of my p'ss, never mind £40odd quid.
  6. What like? They'll get no punishment.
  7. Celtic won't lose a single trophy despite being implicated in such appalling activity. Don't expect anything else.
  8. I see the Dutch are bringing out an orange shirt, with a red, white and blue 'sash' next March. I'd choose something similar for our away strip. We're hated anyway, I don't see any point in apologetic behaviour as it has done us no good in the past. But that's me and I appreciate other Bears see things differently.
  9. 94th minute winner for that lot from Dundee. Disappointing. I was at Linfield's previous match, against Spartans, which was quite an enjoyable afternoon.
  10. The pink and yellow strips were understandable in a historical context. But shocking pink and black looks bloody awful. I hope Rangers never, ever have a pink shirt - I'd be furious.
  11. I suspect we'd get a lot of orange submissions. Not that that would bother me but the bad press would be endless.
  12. This film and the Tim's desire just shows that lot up for what they are - obsessed. We've just been through 5 or 6 years of Hell and they are beating us easily on and off the pitch. They're playing Barcelona and Bayern Munich and we've been losing to Alloa and Annan Athletic and yet still they're not satisfied. It's some sort of demented blood lust that I really can't understand and believe me, I despise that football club...probably more than most.
  13. Anyone who would welcome David Murray back to Ibrox should be sectioned and probably labotomised.
  14. Anyone who expects Celtc FC to suffer in the press or forfeit titles because they knowingly re-employed a paedophile is, unfortunately, kidding themselves on. I watched the film Spotlight and then checked if that repulsive abomination in Rome, the Vatican, still hoards priceless artefacts and immeasurable wealth...guess what, it does still exist. We don't live in a fair world and Celtc, like their mother church, are bloody good at corruption and cover-ups.
  15. I've always enjoyed the Italian football. Internazionale are my preferred side - I picked them when Klinsmann played for them. My wee boy has a Kondogbia 2016/17 Inter shirt. It's been great to watch the past 3 or 4 years.
  16. Will it? Liquidation? I'll bet you £100 it doesn't.
  17. I find it odd when Bears tell the board/King to step aside. Like there's a queue of billionaires waiting to take over (dream on).
  18. It should be called , 'They're Bad With Money, We're Bad With Kids'.
  19. Reasonable post. I think another issue is we all expect/want different things from Club1872. But you are spot on about the share ownership - it is the main reason for Club1872 and has been a success.
  20. It's pretty clear that Club1872 hasn't been the success some of us had hoped for. But it's also obvious there are elements within our own support who are determined to disrupt it for whatever agenda. I just wish we could all unite on something other than hating Celtic.
  21. Fair enough but if we hadn't went with white sleeves we wouldn't have had to play in pink at home or against England.
  22. So every time Scotland play a team in white the pink away strip is worn because some plonker decided to give our home top white sleeves? Daft. I struggle to care about Scotland these days. I prefer not to see us lose but won't lose any sleep over it if we do.
  23. We get the blame for most things, so water off a duck's back (as far as I'm concerned).
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