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Everything posted by Gonzo79

  1. Gonzo79


    I honestly can't stand Windass. He bullies our younger players and dives out of the way of opposition players regularly. He has very brief flashes of good play then disappears again. I'd be happy if I never saw him in a Rangers shirt again - he's not worthy of it.
  2. Gonzo79


    He should be dropped.
  3. Ah, suddenly things are looking up. Just need a victory tonight and all will be well with the world.
  4. I've only had 4 views. That's my weekend ruined.
  5. Timing-wise that is embarrassing from the club. An organisation that takes advice from a repulsive blogger who has done his best to have our club destroyed and we're wearing their jerseys in training. Pretty sickening and embarrassing how weak and cowardly Rangers Football Club is these days. No wonder the yahoos are having such a laugh at our expense.
  6. Apologising can often be a bit late. Lots of criminals apologise in court. They still did the crime. As for BBC Scotland...about as impartial as the Celtic View these days.
  7. You said The_Gunslinger was looking for an argument. My disagreement with that is that Hay was fully aware of her cohort's blog history, so the argument was in existence and awaits any Bear. If you disagree then fair enough but I would suggest you are being naive.
  8. The Israel/Palestine situation is a foreign matter and an extremely complex one. Anyone taking either flag to a Scottish football match is probably a clueless moron, in my opinion. The IRA had links with ETA and Palestinian terror groups and it's certainly not ridiculous to suggest this is what attracts Timmy to these particular causes (why not Tibet or Tamil Tigers or Zoroastrians being persecuted, I wonder). But anyway, we (Rangers) have enough problems here in Scotland without involving ourselves in these matters. People like Hay are part of these problems. And Israeli doesn't have an 'e' on the end.
  9. "What if you meet Celtic fans? So far I have not found any." Is he staying in Harthill?
  10. I take it you've seen Basque and Palestinian flags in amongst a certain support at a Scottish football stadium?
  11. Call it a hunch. And Catalonia has never been a nation.
  12. A Rangers supporter doesn't have to look for an argument these days. They are round every corner and assisted by the likes of this Hay creature. And I find Trump extremely distasteful but I reject her comments about the Leave campaign. My wife is an immigrant and I voted Leave (because I object to faceless bureaucrats on a gargantuan gravy train in Brussels making huge decisions on Britain's behalf, not because I'm xenophobic).
  13. Well, it seems pretty clear what she's all about. I wonder if she's inclusive when it comes to British patriots, Scottish Unionists, Rangers supporters, Catalan Unionists or Israelis? I think we all know the answer.
  14. After they associated with that type, they're on my 'Dodgy' list.
  15. I agree to an extent. But most matches are going to be against defensive, run of the mill sides. Only Celtc, Aberdeen and Hibs will have a right go at us.
  16. Be interesting to see PC's first eleven.
  17. We scored 4 without Miller at Hamilton. I'd go with a similar side in Perth. Performing well in a friendly against lower league opposition shouldn't necessarily result in a return to the first team.
  18. The thread title sounds like something one might find on an ...ahem, adult site. But I'm sure these will be good work-outs for our players.
  19. Well, aye but just for safety's sake.
  20. Shutting down their Boys Club would be a start.
  21. Replace crap with more crap, so long as it's anti-Rangers crap?
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