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Everything posted by Gonzo79

  1. There are many Scots who consider themselves Unionist and have no interest in Rangers. I know plenty.
  2. I find both religion and politics very interesting. Although I'm Agnostic and struggle to vote, as I find all our parties rather unpleasant. I also love a good sing song at the football and I'm glad Rangers isn't just any old football club. Be boring if we were all the same though.
  3. Done, although the question about how one might understand the meaning of the songs missed a few things. What about books and documentaries? Or visiting places related to the songs?
  4. The SNP have ramped up division and as a result many previously quiet Unionists are now a bit more forthright about it. I know fans of a few clubs, rugby fans and people not interested in sport now far more vociferously Unionist than they were 5-10 years ago. Of course, the same goes for the other side as well. But back to Rangers fans - I still don't think we have a party that really represents most of us here in Scotland. NI Bears have DUP.
  5. Probably. I don't like any of the main parties and haven't done for years.
  6. The majority of Bears are working class Unionists. In reality, no party truly represents us...not since Labour were infiltrated by RCs. That's just my opinion.
  7. No wonder they Lord it over us when we have Bears defending the obvious nefariousness afoot.
  8. What's that saying that you know who's running things when you know what you are not allowed to say. Looks like this policewoman found that out the hard way.
  9. Sad to hear. Best wishes to his famìly.
  10. Gonzo79


    dB, sometimes you seem unable to resist trying to paint everything in a positive light. After the last few years, that must be difficult. Improvements have to be made and soon. Accepting mediocrity won't do.
  11. Surely the board will finalise the deal? DoF would only make recommendations, I think.
  12. Winning big games is what's needed. And beating all the diddy teams the vast majority of the time. I don't care if we play rubbish football, in all honesty. Winning comes first.
  13. I have fully supported this board but if they give McLeish the job, doubts will start creeping in.
  14. Gonzo79


    It's highly unlikely he'd be at training every day is it was a family bereavement, so we can safely dismiss that claim.
  15. I'm trying not to dwell on it too much. McLeish returning would drive me to despair.
  16. A wee good luck mention for Brechin City too. I've had a soft spot for them since our first match after demotion.
  17. Couldn't agree more, Blue_Moon. Safe Spaces and the like should be scorned by anyone who wants to interact and learn. Sticks and stones...
  18. First World War was started by a Serbian bloke shooting an Austrian Archduke. Then Germany, France, Russia and Britain all posturing unecessarily. Again, nothing to do with religion.
  19. But Britain declaring war on Germany had nothing to do with religion. Same goes for America. Hitler wasn't particularly religious and from what I've read, his hatred for Jews was racial as much as it was religious.
  20. That was the trigger for the war though. Religion was a contributory factor in WWII but to suggest it was the main reason is incorrect.
  21. Germany annexing Poland started the war and that had little to do with religion.
  22. McLeish? I'd be gutted if this came true. Pulis on the other hand...
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