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Gonzo79 last won the day on July 12

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    Rangers, guitars and beer.

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  1. Well, Hagi and Lammers haven't contributed anything recently, so those two don't need replaced. It's all about sensible squad management, although recent windows haven't exactly given us much cause for comfort.
  2. I don't think anyone is obsessed about it. A lot of us think changes need to be made, after years of failure and that certain players aren't what we need. Do you want Dessers and Tav to stay?
  3. We need better than Dessers if we want to win the league.
  4. Any news on Raskin's injury?
  5. After a shaky start, I'm quite satisfied with mid-table mediocrity. Thank Rousseau and well done dB.
  6. HP sauce on chips. And don't get me started on mayonnaise (nearly had a fit in Amsterdam!).
  7. The collective chip on the Scottish shoulder...will it ever go away? All very childish and totally ingrained. I didn't care who won tonight - just wanted to see a good match and thought it was okay.
  8. Winning trophies is what it's all about. England can only really win two and they have never won this one, so it'd be huge for them.
  9. We always seem to have issues with wages (paying players too much and having too big a squad). Needs looked into.
  10. Nothing new. Teams who have qualified for Europe don't participate in the early league cup rounds and haven't for a good few years.
  11. I didn't say they were. My comments are generalising a bit, looking at the bigger picture. There are exceptions to every rule etc.
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