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Everything posted by Bill

  1. Now why would McGlennan be leaving at this particular time? Can't wait to see the dirt we have on him.
  2. It's probably true to say none of us know all the facts but I'll trust the club in this long before I take the word of either Miller or Wallace.
  3. I can sell you plenty and all I ask is the price I paid for them. Sound fair?
  4. One thing seems certain, whatever the facts behind the Murty incident and regardless of the outcome of their appeal, the dressing room will be a happier place without these two players.
  5. From the Scotsman 8th June 2018 Rangers fans group Club 1872 have been given a week to inform Rangers how much money they plan to invest in the Ibrox outfit’s upcoming share issue. Rangers chairman Dave King hopes to raise £6 million with the offer. Club 1872 are to decide within a week how much they are to invest in' Rangers chairman Dave King's Ibrox share issue. But Club 1872 – who are the second largest shareholder in Rangers International Football Club plc with a 10.7 per cent stake – face having their shareholding watered down unless they decide to invest. The group has £960,000 in its accounts but now needs the backing of its members to invest the entire sum in the share issue. A statement released by the fans group said: “Club 1872 has now been formally invited to participate in the upcoming share issue of RIFC and asked to confirm the level of our investment in this issue by close of business on 14 June. “The total current funding available to the organisation, across both shares and projects, is approximately £960,000. Club 1872 members are now being polled on whether they wish to designate the share issue as a project – in order to be able to utilise this full sum for the share issue. “Once we know the outcome of this poll and the level of the additional funds raised this week, Club 1872 will confirm its level of investment to RIFC on 14 June.” Club 1872 director Laura Fawkes added: “We now have only seven days to confirm the level of our investment and we hope the Rangers support will respond over the coming days. This is a fantastic opportunity for supporters to invest directly into the club and see those funds help to build Steven Gerrard’s playing squad for next season. “In addition it is an absolutely vital investment for Club 1872 to continue to maintain or grow our shareholding to secure the club for future 
generations.” https://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/rangers/club-1872-must-confirm-level-of-rangers-investment-within-a-week-1-4751350
  6. Jackson has probably written it all up already, to be serialised in the Record over five days before the next OF game.
  7. In that case I don't think I've ever seen sniping on here, at least not at Club1872. Only fair comment really. As for Rangers Media, it must be several years since I last visited. Wouldn't even know how to log in any more and never tempted to try. Or Follow Follow. Or any others. I get enough sniping here
  8. I don't care who is our number one keeper. As long as it's Allan McGregor.
  9. I'm glad someone else has eyes to see where the problem lies and it's essentially a deficit of trust. There's no point in those who have committed themselves pretending otherwise because, like it or not, the judgement has largely been made by those who haven't. It was entirely predictable when, instead of wiping the slate clean and starting with an entirely fresh agenda, they made it clear Club1872 was an evolution of past organisations, including having some of the same people involved. We might have had the unity you mention but that was sacrificed when the current organisation was set up. It's a simple matter of branding and in my opinion they got it wrong. But hey ho, it was ever thus on planet Rangers.
  10. Despite your obsession with victimhood, I don't think I've ever seen anyone on this forum say they were against Club1872. They may have an issue with how Club1872 conducts some of its affairs and as Rangers fans I think they have that right, particularly when people are donating the money that keep Club1872 in business. I'm almost certain they also would welcome any organisation that contributed to the prosperity and success of Rangers, whether that's Club1872 or any other. However, given the events of recent years, Rangers many fans have a justifiably acute awareness of the difference between intention and delivery, whether that's in the Rangers boardroom or in organisations like Club1872. I have no particular opinion on Club1872. In fact, like Frankie, it occupies very little of my attention. What I do have an opinion on is the catalogue of fan organisations we've endured over the years that have said a great deal and delivered almost zero in terms of making a positive difference to Rangers FC. I don't know if Club1872 is like some of its less honourable predecessors or if its a paragon of virtue but I do suspect it would achieve a great deal more if it made more effort to convince Rangers fans outside its current circle that it was not the former. Is that "shite"?
  11. You, in football money does the talking. We've been on both sides of that equation so few should know better than us that we can't fight money with loyalty.
  12. You already act like the forum policeman so I don't know why they don't just give you admin rights and be done with it. Unbelievable.
  13. I really don't think you help the situation by throwing around words like "toxicity". As far as I can see, no one is attacking Club1872. The observation was made by others that the corresponding Hearts organisations seems to be more successful at raising supporter funds than Club1872. I made a suggestion why that might be. Is that toxic or are you still just playing bull in a china shop?
  14. What a load of cobblers. Club1872 is responsible for its own reputation among the wider support and has had every opportunity to distance itself from the distasteful politicking of the RST. The facts speak for themselves. An organisation like Club1872 is defined as much by those who don’t join it as by those who do. The fact it’s still unclear what their intentions are speaks volumes. As for your first point, it’s hard to know whether to laugh or cringe ?
  15. Given the size of the Rangers support, the number of people donating to Club1872 seems below par to me. For a support that routinely demonstrates above par loyalty n so many other ways, why is that?
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