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Posts posted by bmck

  1. Aye Chris that was the Falkirk v. Rangers game.. it was fucking murder.


    I like Setanta.. as much of an all round cunt as Burley is I love his honesty. His analysis of the game yesterday was brilliant.


    "Can we call this garbage?"


    aye, but in every way burley's good booth is insufferably poor.

  2. gribz, are you related to sebo, and did boyd insult your maw? its the only way i can understand you on this point.


    sebo DID look exciting, but to say he's been more exciting than your top scorer, who broke the deadlock against a vitally important Celtic game, scored an uber-goal earlier in the season and generally just scored at will seems unreasonable. dont get me wrong, he isn't traditionally 'exciting' in terms of running at players etc, and if its just in this sense you mean then you really have to ask yourself whether you want excitement or goals. over the course of a season i think you've got to go for goals.

  3. I dont know what happened to Sionko, but the guy that turned up in the first few games of the season is a better footballer than Adam.


    to be honest i think this is nonsense. he played one decent game this season - the first one. and he's had a fair few opportunities. adam's took his chances when he's had them and fired in more goals the jvh ffs.


    he may be more technically gifted, but doubt he grafts as hard and has as decent a cross/free-kick. you become a better footballer by what you do - and adam has scored important goals this season in important matches.

  4. aye, i think it would be worthwhile for forum members to leave some comments there to encourage integration between the main section and here. should hopefully encourage some dialogue and hopefully a few new posters!

  5. Lads, the following is a new column I'm thinking of starting - the idea is basically just to keep an eye on the media and summarise the different approaches to their reporting of the news to try and get a more balanced picture. I'm undecided how worthwhile it is, so I'd welcome your thoughts for improvement or indeed if its just a waste of time:


    Mediawatch ââ?¬â?? the signing of Darcheville


    Introduction to the column for first time readers


    In this regular column Iââ?¬â?¢m going to cast a skeptical eye over our friends in the media. Itââ?¬â?¢s a poor manââ?¬â?¢s attempt to de-sensationalise newspaper jargon to get at the news underneath. Iââ?¬â?¢m certainly not free from bias ââ?¬â?? to paraphrase Wordsworth Iââ?¬â?¢m a ââ?¬Å?[Rangers] man writing for [Rangers] menââ?¬Â ââ?¬â?? but Iââ?¬â?¢m going to do my best to be free from the tendency towards sensationalism and spin we so often encounter when we have the misfortune of reading the papers, and try my best to be a suitable antidote for those tired of reading the same old nonsense in them. Where theyââ?¬â?¢re good, I shall even praise them!


    Daily Record


    There�s nothing quite like the signing of a new player to whip the tabloids into a frenzy. None moreso than the Daily Record. Every single hint of a fact that points to the player�s tendency towards Ronaldo-esque greatness is not only highlighted, but made the central point of the article. I�ll save you the hyperbole, the main points of the article are as follows:


    � Rangers handled the affair well, according to the Bordeaux president

    � Darcheville is a 2-3 million rated player, according to the Bordeaux president

    � The Bordeaux president only offered him a one year deal

    ââ?¬Â¢ Weââ?¬â?¢ve signed him on a two year contract ââ?¬â?? this fact, and the lure of playing in a foreign league in front of large audiences, he says persuaded him


    These facts are joined together with the usual references to who he turned down, both in the past (Liverpool) and in the present (Monaco/Bordeaux) to increase our sense of having captured someone important. The fact that he has only netted 37 goals in 5 seasons is played down by explaining Walter Smith is after his for his rocket-like pace and subtle touch ala Prso, which Walter rather more understatedly explained by saying:


    ââ?¬Å?Iââ?¬â?¢ve been to France a few times to see him and there is no doubt in my mind we are getting a quality player capable of doing a great job for us.ââ?¬Â


    But these are small points. Despite there being evidence of the usual signs of hyperbole the largest part of the article is made up of quotes, and the Daily Record is generally at its best when sticking to things people having actually said.


    You can read the article here: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/tm_headline=gers-have-got-a--pound-3m-hitman-for-free%26method=full%26objectid=19076077%26siteid=66633-name_page.html


    The Herald


    Darryl Broadfoot paints a slightly different picture of the signing, as you would expect from a broadsheet. He sets the focus on the fact that this is the third time we�ve attempted to sign Darcheville. Perhaps in an attempt to palliate the sense of sensation in the tabloids, his main points are largely concentrate on his, according to Darryl, negative history. The main points being:


    � Previous attempts to sign him broke down at the negotiation stage (note Darryl is unwilling, like the Record, to claim that it was because we didn�t have enough money, even if it is the case)

    ââ?¬Â¢ He used to be fat ââ?¬â?? earning unfavourable comparisons to Ronaldo in France

    � He didn�t do too well at Rennes

    ââ?¬Â¢ Or at Forrest ââ?¬â?? the manager branding him a waster

    � His next manager, at Lorient, also considered him selfish and wasteful

    � The manager after that liked him. He scored 25 goals in two seasons.

    � He then moved to Bordeaux from whom we signed him: the support apparently never liked him because he stated his intention to make tons of money


    So, we see a perhaps intentionally bleaker side of Darcheville in the Herald ââ?¬â?? and though I tend not to like the trend in broadsheets to see pessimism as essentially the same thing as ââ?¬Ë?high browââ?¬â?¢ journalism, it provides good foil for the happy clappy image presented in the Record.


    You can read the article here: http://www.theherald.co.uk/sport/headlines/display.var.1387462.0.0.php




    All in all there�s not too much to complain about today, and I hope this summary, and the contrast between the two approaches, has been in some way beneficial towards an understanding of our new signing.

    The following video is some of Darcheville�s finer moments:

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