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Posts posted by bmck

  1. i've been on here the last 5 mins. you're the only one its happening for.


    the reason it is happening according to the makers of the board is that you are hitting reply before you log in, most probably. is it that?


    what browser are you using?

  2. Agreed but they want them in the positions that they don't hold themselves. Every player thinks it is not their fault but another is to blame. Ask Barry Ferguson! I rest my case.


    i've never heard bf saying 'i think we need new quality players, but no midfielders', but i have heard him say we need new quality players. lots of times.

  3. I honestly can't see us signing anyone of any note, i think Gow, Broadfoot and Darcheville and Greame Smith are it. Maybe we'll sign another striker but i doubt it.


    We always seem to be linked with big names at season ticket re-newall time and they never ever come through, its been the same for years.


    We have let go fo Klos and Prso so we can offer big wages, but we won't, there is an overwelming need to be overly prudent.


    how do you think murray will get out of it after promising more than these players? what do you think the average fan's response will be?

  4. now, we've all been put under the impression that murray and bain will be delivering a few quality players this close season. as someone said, the statement that we don't want to spend all our money on one player, brown, implies that there is at least 4 million odd to spend.


    the general figure that has been bandied about in the press was ten million.


    but you sceptics think that perhaps neither will be realised. that there may even be a chance we get to the beginning of the new season without bringing any new faces in, or, at least, till after the qualifiers.


    this would, of course, gutting to all the players that came out to the press and stated their desire for more quality at the club, and would be contrary to all the promises made, but i get the impression that some people here think that, despite this, nothings going to happen.


    so, for those people, my question is 'how do you think david murray's going to portray this fact that we havent spent anything to the fans?', or 'how is he going to get away with it?'. yesterday the labour justice dude came out with a plain faced announcement that they would be releasing 25k prisoners early, despite, in an interview a few weeks earlier saying that it wasn't supposed to saying not one would be released early, and to do so would be 'wrong, wrong, wrong'. do you think murray's just going to do such a barefaced turnaround, or is there going to be something more subtle at work?


    cynics, lets hear ye.

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