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Posts posted by bmck

  1. Many problems on said forum. Don't blame for being disenchanted with it.


    i choose not to post there myself for similar reasons - its just that the specific wording included far too many decent bears to leave publicly on another rangers supporting forum.


    he's free to express these views privately and has a copy of the edited portion for these purposes.

  2. I'm hoping a friend of mine will be doing a complete break down of the accounts for Gersnet over the next few weeks.


    will this include how much of murray's 'own money' that he has, in the minds of the majority of fans, put in?

  3. Ban Barry for posting something positive :devil:


    johnny man, i think i'm going to have to doubly ban myself, because this is from a chelsea fan's match review:


    The Friday evening and Saturday saw a brilliant spirit of friendship reinforced between the two sets of fans, with those following Chelsea being warmly received in every Rangers pub and club they were seen in.


    Through this webpage, the many patrons of BAWA.net who travelled to Glasgow would like to extend their thanks to all Rangers fans for their hospitality and we here at Chelsea look forward to the next fixture between the two clubs.


    :D :D

  4. we might have expected some of the new players to make positive comments about there being such a large crowd for friendlies - but perhaps the comments of darcheville and ceullar were more positive than expected. i mean, they thought the atmosphere at the games was excellent, so they're going to be in for a shock come old firm day (though less so ceullar who's played against us in europe).


    but even our next oppponent's manager, who has no need to be particularly concerned or unconcerned about atmosphere said:


    Halilovic said: "I watched Rangers' match with Chelsea with my team but I wish I hadn't!


    "Rangers were brilliant - I didn't believe they could be that good.


    "The other aspect that shocked me was the atmosphere - it sounded tremendous. This is going to be a very difficult match for us."


    so perhaps we're not so bad after all. :cheers: to us. :flipa: to our detractors.

  5. Disagree. The downfall started with wasting money on crap foreigners. Now we're having to try and rectify that by buying young scottish talent.


    i agree with this. my only reservation was specifically about whittaker - everytime i've seen him he gets caught vastly out of position ala ricksen. dont think he's worth that money.


    naismith's worth every penny though.

  6. I wouldn't have thought so....


    I still expect Naismith and at least one more - probably Whittaker.


    even with these two players, once you factor in the players going out, he'll still have spent nowhere near the reported 10 million.


    do you reckon the trust would be happy with these two players and no-one else?


    i'm not convinced we've purchased, or are going to purchase, more than 2-3 first team players.

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