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Posts posted by bmck

  1. I'll hold my hands up and admit I was dead against signing him but so far he's been outstanding. Great piece of business by Walter, well done for persevering after getting dicked about by Wigan in January.


    yup. me too. i was wrong, walter was right.

  2. One of the most technical players we have. His reading of the game is second to none. I can't understand why some fans don't like him as breaks up more opposition attacks than anyone else and mostly gets the ball away to a Rangers player. Sorry Frankie i would rather sell Fergie than Hemdani but i think that is well known.:)


    really? you dont rate ferguson? :D:devil:

  3. i think hemdani's attitude is first class. i had my suspicions at the start - werent there whispers about him refusing to train and stuff - but he's totally won me over. in europe he's even shown unfrench fiestyness in several challenges.


    he just said this about novo:


    ââ?¬Å?Nacho is amazing,ââ?¬Â Hemdani said. ââ?¬Å?He always pops up just when we need him to and scores these important goals. I really enjoy having him in our team. Nacho has given everything he has, week in, week out, for this club for four years now. I know he is in the final year of his contract. I hope he will be offered a new deal and will stay for much, much longer because the club needs a player like him here.ââ?¬Â


    shows he's thinking about the interests of the club and stuff. despite his relaxed veneer, i think he's turning into a bit of a rangers fan. :D

  4. must agree atmosphere was great on Sat where we were, hastie nearly broke my arm and leg when we went flying after scoring the first goal tho!!!


    good day in the wee rangers club as well, and of course good company........


    aye - my first drink in three months and a general great laugh and day. what more can a man ask? :D


    wife didn't appreciate me giving my wee boy the whistle when i got home tho :)


    :devil: :cheers:


    it'd have been worse if you'd gave him the whistle then headed out the pub though man!

  5. after spending time in the tbo i cant understand how anyone could be anywhere else in the ground. it was just a continuous party (an albeit at times nervous and altogether wet party) where everyone just had good natured madness for the whole game. i think at one point 'walter smiths blue and white army' was sung for about 15 minutes solid.


    there's far, far too much apathy kicking about in society in general these days - i dont understand why someone would rather sit solemnly and observe the football for 90 mins (its hardly a masterclass in tactics and counter-tactics is it?) rather than get properly right into it and just have a bit of party, supporting the team, whilst watching the game.


    good to see another singing section :D maybe there'll be a reply to 'can you hear the coapland sing?' soon enough. ;)

  6. Indeed it is, although i would find it more threatening and sh*t myself if you fired an actual gun at me.... especially 4 of them!


    i actually once got money off a mixer i was buying because i had a gun in the room. didnt realise i'd been showing it to my mate before i came in and he was kind of sitting just looking at it.


    i wasnt thinking about it as i forget stuff often - he said "here m8, you can have this for X" and left ASAP. never occurred to me - i quickly turned the thing on to make sure it wasn't dodgily wired. but it was perfect.


    and THEN it occurred about the gun. worked out quite well in the end but he must have got a strange impression.


    it was a compressed-gas-as-firing-mechanism semi-auto pistol, but it did look very real to be fair.

  7. So far, the opponent didn't score against the Gers. It must be a good thing at the beginning of season. Althought, I'm not satisfied with the perfomances the players showed much desire and we should appreciate that.

    The serious tests are about to come and I'm glad that Gers play on the professional level... It might not be the finnest play but as long as it works I'm all for it...


    agreed and welcome to the site!

  8. Think I'd have to opt for Thomson as well although I have been really impressed with Cuellar so far.




    cuellar is the best defender we've had at ibrox in yeeeeaaaaarrrsss.


    the thing i like about thomson is that he puts a graft in and will play the simple ball when the game's tight, but when the play opens up, he has a different range of passing.


    i think he's got better judgement in this respect than even ferguson.

  9. The world would be a boring place if we all had the same opinions. You are, however, wrong.


    ^ think thats a cracking quote. v/funny.


    i've thought about this before though. the world wouldnt be a boring place is we all had the same opinions because there would be no word for boring, or, indeed, interesting because it would just be things-as-they-are.


    for instance, if we all lived in an entirely orange world we probably wouldn't have a word for orange. so if we lived in a world where everyone's opinion was the same we wouldn't have anything to compare it to, so we couldn't call it boring.


    i've not been to sleep since ages ago.

  10. thank fuck for that, they where shit and we where shit, just lucky for us we scored and they didn't.


    do you really think so? we were the only team who had any chance of scoring - we completely dictated the play.

  11. Hi Barry, I was alluding to the fact that someone singing about their father's sash for the OO seems little different to me than someone in another sect singing about one of their own religious "things". A statue of Mary was the first thing I thought of that fitted the bill for Catholics.


    Shit, looking at it again I see why it needed editing... doh!


    yeah, got the point you were making man - both are singing songs with in their culturual-religious traditions and should be equally valued. i'm not sure if you have edited it or i read it wrong in the first place, but as it reads now, its perfect.

  12. there's a small theological inconsistency in there - there's a huuuuuuge difference between the oo singing about king billy and catholics singing about mary, the very difference over which protestantism arose - but the sentiment is spot on.


    perhaps a candidate for editing and putting on the site?

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