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Posts posted by bmck

  1. not good enough for some on here by the looks of it Ian!!!


    Who do some fans think we are :confused:


    You could see the class in their team but we worked very hard and got a great result which will go a long way to help us hopefully qualify. Do you want us to go for it and get stuffed 4-0 :confused:




    too right! this a fooking fantastic result! 100 mils worth of talent gliding its way towards you and we stood firm.


    MOAN THE GERS. :cheers:

  2. Do you not think that if we committed people forward we would have ran the risk of leaving ourself open at the other end, especially with the pace they had.


    I was arguing with a guy in the Govan last night, hes shouting abuse at the team for not attacking more, FFS we werent playing Gretna last night, Barca's front 3 arent worth over 100 million for nothing.


    For me Walter got it spot on.


    P.S. Cousin MOTM for me, he was superb.


    totally agree - the only time we looked really like losing a goal was on the break. it wasnt pretty to watch, but who cares, man? we hard arguably the better of the chances from open play. whats the point in all that possession if you aren't cutting the other team open with it?


    you take every single point you can get in the champions league.

  3. I tend to agree with you here......................however I never thought Scotland could go to France and win 1-0,YOU JUST NEVER KNOW.........IT'S A FUNNY OLD GAME :cheers:


    aye, man, fuck it - moan the optimism. bring on yer spaniards (well, catalonians) by the score! :cheers:


    i said at the beginning i just want the biggest clubs to grace the ibrox turf, and experience the ibrox atmosphere. we've got to pit our wits against the best, even if it means the possibility of getting humped.

  4. We need him to find a happy medium though. How he can go from playing brilliant to playing shit and vice versa in a week is hard to understand.


    i think its no suprise barry shines in the backstothewall games. i think our defensiveish 451 really suits him, but he's never going to be an attacking midfielder.


    i think the formation'll need to be sorted.

  5. yet plays so average in the smaller games.


    its a team game ffs. there is an irrational critique of bf's performances, there really is.


    ronaldinho doesn't play to his capacity every game, and i think quite a few of our poorer results this season have been down to experimenting with formation - things like playing boyd on his own up front.


    bf plays when he needs him, and like everyone, can improve. but this tendency to single him out so consistently i find quite irritating. cant help but wonder if its because he's scottish.


    i certainly have some doubts about his character (see the whole plg debacle) but not his ability or commitment.

  6. Hutton was just being his usual self on Saturday. Mouthy, committed and full or running. His booking was stupid, there was no need for him to push Naylor to get the ball back. Other than that I don't think he lost his temper.


    i'm perfectly glad he was like that. he was never in any danger of getting sent off, and perfectly wound them up. the boy is a walking superiority complex, and teams need that.

  7. Like for instance some of the posts about Hutton losing his temper. There was only one guy I could see doing that. I don't know maybe I'm seeing things through blue glasses too much!


    i agree, hutton more than held his nerve on saturday, as did everyone really. thats why we won, surely.

  8. How you can say Scott Brown is shite is a joke! OK he didn't have his best game yesterday but I'd have him in my team every game.


    to be fair, though, the largely unlauded kevin thomson kept him firmly in check on saturday. kt gets so little credit, but he rarely loses the ball, makes the easy pass, and constantly harrasses.

  9. cammy, i wish you would stop this hunnish sectarian nonsense. its just good natured craic, and its actually oppressing to their political religious views to question whether they are being bigotted or not.


    any more of this clearly sectarian pointing out of double standards and you'll have to ban yourself.

  10. on setanta just there


    interviewer: all these games most be tiring, physically, perhaps not the ideal time for an old firm game?


    mcculloch: its my first game, so its ideal for me, i just want to play in it.


    he's been great this season, far better than i honestly expected. hope he does it today.

  11. might be an idea after this one gets messy to do them on a monthly basis. we could also get vbookie installed.


    in my own little version of betting, i'm up 100 quid in three days on shares. in a bloody hypothetical portfolio, right enough, because i'm skint. but it bodes well for my investment/bets in the new year.

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