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Posts posted by bmck

  1. But given we are in the SPL with such little revenue from TV and having been through a period of down-sizing, is this not the future for us? Develop young players and then sell them on giving us actual money to reinvest in youth and signing more players?


    I just don't see how we can be anything but a selling club in today's climate unless we get fresh investment.


    i am quite confused by this man. in the last statement we are a selling club, and in the statement before it we are signing new players. clearly the choices are a) keep alan hutton and dont buy a,nyone extra or b) sell hutton and reinvest in other players. thats not quite a selling club, its just a choice. while we cant afford to spend 8 mill on an Alan Hutton, there is absolutely nothing that says we have to sell him. i think just blindly deferring to this idea that we have to sell is just cynicism masking itself as realism. the implication is that if we didnt have Alan Hutton to sell we would be going under, which doesnt seem to be the case.

  2. got a word through in my word of the day email. faineant, pronounced fay-nay-AWN. means lazy, given to doing nothing. sluggards. sounds exactly like our san giro friends. "we hate celtic, faineant bastards, and we`ll chase them anywhere". altogether now! :P:thup:

  3. Is this going to be a regular thing Frankie? That's twice in the past 2 christmas' that the site has crashed. I know you or Barry can't help it happening. I hope you gave the server dudes a bollocking!
    i didnt get them that much of a bollocking because they have only been down for 2 weeks out of the last 150. thats what happens when big stacks of hard disks fail and corrupts all the backups. cant be accounted for. my only criticism of them was when they stopped giving out regular information as to how the restoration was going. last years problem was nothing to do with the server guys. i think i am going to set up another domain on an alternative server just incase anything else goes wrong, but the domain is now setup to be rebought when it expires and the server is fixed, so if frankies credit card is good the domain will continue to be bought, and if i get another 150 weeks of consistent uptime from the server i will be happy.
  4. what actually happened:


    RANGERS SUPPORTER: You're that John Reid?

    John Reid: Yes, I am, thank you.

    RANGERS SUPPORTER: That same one your own club's fans called a War Criminal?


    then it was filtered through many years of Grade A Labour Spin it comes out like:


    "I am oppressed, they call me a war criminal".

  5. too late for some Barry, FF forum is a nightmare and I don't bother posting much anymore.


    It's everyone's fault blah blah blah, we didn't play well on the night simple enough for me, and Lyon did, some of their play and passing was superb to watch even if I hated it :eek:




    i think its terrible, man. i love a good rant when i'm disappointed as much as the next person. but if you were to take as reactionary an attitude as that we'd have been like celtic at their lowest - complete reactionaries sacking everyone who didn't make 100% success in 0 time, without allowing anyone to progress. as fans we need to make some sort of judgement, we cant just say "well he knows better" absolutely all the time, but a little perspective says that we couldnt have done a better job than him - he is the professional.


    our recent successes have blinded us to the larger picture - i watched a game on rangers tv from the dick advocaat era, and the football we were playing at home was superb. why? because we had better players. walter is trying to get the best out what he has - of course he could do it better, but i'm sure he realises that and i think he's the best qualified person to do it.


    dont get me wrong, if cappello was knocking down our door, saying he could turn us into a a world beating team with a few mill, i'd say "walt, big man, a top european manager, mind if you scootch over for a bit?" but just now i think a well respected, rangers at heart, manager is the best we can hope for under our custodian's current european ambitions. he's happy wih the league, so are most of the fans - i'd like to think a bit bigger since with the right management from the top i reckon we are in as good a position as any to compete - so lets just get over it.


    its right that we hurt badly, it was sore yin, but becoming petty timmy reactionaries and faux-footballing experts isnt going to help us.

  6. well said calscot. we didn't play 451 well enough, it wasn't the systems fault. its probably the best for the players we have. people expect too much - lyon at home was our worst performance of the campaign - we cant ignore all the good performances and start a witchhunt for walter ffs.

  7. Quick question new member, forest fan here with a best mate whos a ger, so been following results a lot.


    How come rangers are playing in white tonight any one know?


    simple, man - we just love provoking the bad luck gods. i'm suprised we're not wearing blue socks :mad:


    (i dunno really, but welcome :) )

  8. what fucking disgusting first half performance. i'm usually a pragmatist - i know we're playing the percentages, i know we're not as a good footballing team yet, being a new team, but this is honestly horrible. there's not one piece of skill or guile - cousin has done just so little, typified in his not even gambling on our winning a tap on that wee actually did win. ferguson plenty of shoving his own players about, precious little forward passing or, i dunno, hitting a corner round about where people's heads are.


    i'm so, so, gutted - i didnt expect us to be brilliant, it was always going to be a struggle, but as it stands we deserve to lose. these players just do not realise they walked out to the greatest noise ever, and they have a chance to play with the best players in the world after christmas. surely that knowledge alone would raise them to the dizzy heights of mediocrity.



  9. this bear does not want him back at ibrox unless its lining up for the opposition...


    or indeed lining up for a firing squad alongside graham spiers and the holie goalie. :)


    thats probably a little harsh - even supposing he deserved to die, he doesn't deserve the disgrace of dying beside graham. :P

  10. please no kenny miller, please, please no. no offense to him or his dad, they are probably lovely people, but he is just not a football player. or, rather, he is - but one who hasn't made it at either rangers or celtic because he's all industry and no composure.

  11. struck me as an honest answer to a question on how life differs in france from here in scotland in football - no doubt the questioner was playing to french prejudices about the barbarian scottish game, just as we got loads of interviewees focusing on the speed or the tendency towards valuing closing down, energy and generally getting stuck in in our game. Could imagine, when Hutton goes to some Italian team, him getting an interview with GAME IS PLAYED AT GRANNY SPEED SLUR ON ITALIAN GAME in a tabloid translation of an interview he had when he jaunted back over here.


    we should really be annoyed at the papers rather than cousin for deliberately causing disharmony on a flimsy article just before a massive game in which he'll probably play.

  12. thanks ian. the more i see of naismith the more encouraged i am. he missed those two chances, of course, but i think you can see even in the way he shapes up and strikes the ball that he has that happy habit that novo doesnt have of striking your average shot with something like direction & pace. i think if novo had that he could sensational - a bit of composure, a bit of a strike. i think naismith will only have to score one to go on a wee run of scoring.

  13. spiers can gtf. if its bad to get pleasure out of paedophilia, its worse to sell papers over sensationally decrying it. i cant agree with spiers on principle. almost makes me want to start singing it :P

  14. mental - they are trying to turn citezinship into a product. its bad enough argos selling you the "christmassy" feeling if you buy their crap, but your own country selling britain on the back of a five word positive slogan? its horrible.

  15. pete *** is a million times more justifiable than this nonsense. everyone sings it because its just a great song with a great tune - thats the pitty. but every time we sing it we make ourselves a million times more like them, and thats what i cant handle.

  16. what is it that big jock knew exactly cammy? the full sentence of which that song is an abbreviation goes like "big jock knew about the child abuse and did nothing about it" - so to say it is not about child abuse is ridiculous. thats without the further pathetic underlying assumption, which is "isnt it great because it take one of their legends and shames them", "lets jump and sing and dance about someones knowledge of paedophilic activities". not jumping on ridiculous little faux moral bandwagons like this is what differentiates from them - the very thing that, until now, stopped us being moronic hypocrites like them. bjk can gtf as far as i`m concerned, and so can everyone who has jumped through all those little mental hoops (sic) to come to the conclusion they are fighting an injustice, or letting the truth be known. they are rank hypocrites of the worst sort.

  17. i am honestly disgusted with any rangers fans who sing this. using paedophiliac abuse as any excuse for one upmanship is the lowest of the low. and anyone who thinks jumping about singing this is making any kind of political point is grandly deluding themselves. its disgraceful.

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