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Posts posted by bmck

  1. as most of you know i have been unwell for a while and am coming back to wellness. i wont be properly back for about a week or so but i just thought i would quickly put this up to start some interest.


    i think one of the best points about gersnet is the quality of the discussion - without being snobby or bullshity all the news/results etc are given some proper thought.


    so, anyway, in order to boost our numbers, and give some more exposure to the writers of the great posts, i plan to read the developing discussions editorially. if i, or you, reckon they could get a little polish and a title we will make them an article on the main site and add it to newsnow (with your permission of course).


    this would be good, i think, because it would mean the site getting more visits without demanding any commitment to regular writing from anyone. i reckon if everyone just posts as they normally would we should have plenty of material. i plan to just do the basic editting myself at first, but we could theoretically have a few people reading with an eye to this if it works out.


    if you have any thoughts/comments just let me know.

  2. I thought 6 was generous for Boyd - he's not doing much to answer his critics and Novo has been far more effective (and actually finished for once! :))


    Adam is getting worse with every game and surely Naismith is a better bet there?


    McCulloch might be the first choice on the left but he's been out of sorts lately too...


    It wasn't a vintage performance although I think we shaded the plaudits in both games and deserved to go through against a team fairly comparible with the OF.


    I'm hoping we can improve the team against Bremen with the return of Whittaker, Thomson and of course Darche in the second leg. A bonus could be the return of the "'Smith on the right', on the left" if you get my drift.


    Weir is looking tired and incredibly slow and you have to wonder whether Webster could be a better bet in the latter stages of the competition. However, I can't see many managers breaking up a pretty successful and established, central defensive partnership.


    At least Dailly looks like he might be able to do a cover job.


    What's happened to Hemdani? He was a much better player when he was only getting a game in the CL...


    Anyway, the three players I'd like to see replaced in the next round are Broadfoot, Davies and Adam. And whisper it, but I'd probably want Boyd dropped too...

    think this is a good assessment, but i disagree about boyd. i thought he held the ball up well with a very unsupportive midfield. i like broadfoot as a player, but we are suffering from having no attacking fullbacks as they are the most likely players to get space in europe. hemdani was really poor last night and adam was as poor as ever. but we have that resolove that you need.

  3. naw, your right gaz - it wont happen adn there probably are better players. i just think the press in this country and perhaps even ourselves to some extent devalue the package we can offer to players hopingb to play at a decent level. i hated the obviousness with which a move to the epl was a step up for hutton - it is true, obviously, to some extent, but you would like to think that playing champions league level football with a side who have done well there recentyl (later stages and decent in the toughest of groups) we shouldnt be so suprised that players would want that and see it as a good option.

  4. on the interview on setanta he was saying he is getting more publicity, is more in the general awareness, since he moved here, for some reason. he will get to shine in the champions league in a sense not possible in mid-level english or spanish sides - i htink we need to stop downplaying what it is that we can offer players.

  5. pope? antichrist scum of an evil religion. queen? last in the line of german monarchs of our country who tried to re-invent themselves as quintessentially english - a notion of quintessentially english now dated. uvf/ira - whatever they once stood for they are now, by and large, gangsters.


    i am however a monarchist - i like that we are not constitutionalist, as britons in philosophy & practice have rarely been theorists. we tend towards experience.


    britain is not bad as countries go, but i will move from here soon enough.


    as for what this has to do with football - if there are any tunes that i like whose references i am indifferent to, i will sing, even if it annoys people.

  6. turnover does seem like a strange metric. i suppose it indicates the bigness of institution -breadth of ambition perhaps - in a way profit doesnt but if, in the end, a company of a smaller scale makes the same profits as a company on a bigger turnover, its going to be very hard for them to have some complexion about their size.

  7. I disagree, his body language is of a man who would rather not be at Ibrox. After me misplaced that pass, he turned away whereas his team-mates ran back to defend their attack. He moaps about, im not denying the boy has talent but he doesnt play for the jersey


    i agree, but his body language has always been like that. i should have said he didnt look like he tried any less than he normally tries. :D

  8. it seems to me that the exact same reason adam gets a game, boyd is left out. adam is one of those players who, in a way some players cant, a certain percentage of the time, actually scores or creates a good scoring chance. he done it last night. while a lot of the time he is beyond shit i cant recall how many times i've either said "aw, naw, what you bringing on him for at all?" or "he has been abject pish, surely he must be subbed" and he's done something brilliant as if to personally spite me. he is the classic percentages player - 90% or so of the time he is a passenger, but i think walter smith knows that there are going to be a few times every game or so he does something that could genuinly cause damage to opposition. and for that purpose he puts him in.


    but isnt this the very reason he doesn't play boyd? i realise they are different players in different positions but boyd doesn't seem to get a game presumably because he doesn't offer enough to the team enough of the time, even if, for a certain percentage of the time, he will score you a decisive goal.


    so, i dont really buy the "he doesnt do enough for the team" argument while adam seems to get played on the exact same grounds. it must be something personal with boyd.


    do you think we owe it to smith, a man who has in a dignified manner, completely turned our club from a laughing stock to serious contenders, to just accept him as knowing best about boyd?

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