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Posts posted by bmck

  1. ^ well written -not a word of it i would have changed. i really do wonder what happened with gow, though. he wasnt unproven - he had the highest assists in the league last year, no more unproven than any other player that got a game. the very thing we needed was assists.

  2. They have no class, no dignity and no shame.


    It was a tainted title.

    it doesnt matter though - its theirs now. for me its a celtic-minded view to start moaning about injustice. dwelling on it, for me, is having no class. no matter what i feel about it, moaning about its just bitter. no matter what i think about it, its all irrelevant now nothing can be done to change it. those with class look to themselves if theres some injustice: i am hoping the rangers players are realising that they flung it away, when it could have been won, irrespective of anything to do with celtic.

  3. ^ unfortunately there is no such thing as a tainted title. whatever moans we have, and will continue to have, nothing is going to bring the title back. i think all the "they have no shame" stuff is being just as ingracious: the players know the score - it was made extremely difficult for them, and they failed at the final hurdle. any angst should be stored up and stuck into determination for next season making sure there are no slip ups. let them have their title; lets make sure we bring it home next season.

  4. Sorry boss. Didn't mean to offend your sensibilities.


    To me, it's such an outrageous suggestion that it didn't need any explanation. I thought my previous comments of being "100% certain" would be enough, but in case they aren't, please see the post below.

    oh, im not offended man. not at all. just trying to keep the debate side up to scratch. i completely agree, but its hard to debate onwards from there. he can only really say "you should try my medication, maybe it would make you see sense!" or something, which is fun, but doesnt take us forward. all in all - do what you like actually, i wasnt saying it in any sort of admin sense.

  5. We forgot how to attack teams, given that we played so defensively over the long haul

    i think this is true. i remember steven davis picking up the ball at the start of the second half in one away game and start just bombing at the defense - it wasnt until that point as if we could remember the sort of things you have to do to attack. cant be too harsh though - getting into a defensive routine, plus tired legs, can really stop that movement off the ball caper. i watched a few games from earlier in the season where, amidst the boring displays (that dont bother me so long as we win) there was lots of passing and moving, though generally outside the final third. huttons been missed - his drive to get forward seemed always to up the im,petus.

  6. I think Cuellar is worth more to us than 10M.


    i think this is the heart of the matter. you sell your best players too cheaply and it completely undermines those that are here, and your sense of ambition in getting new players. we dont *need* 10 million quid; we do need a centre-half of his quality.

  7. firstly, there is no obligation on frankies part to say anything. he has resigned, and with it end his responsibilities. he owes nothing to members other than his service, wihch he has given happily for ages, and has put more work in than most will. there is no ethical demand on him to give an account of himself at all. he may do it, but it wont be out of obligation, i dont imagine.


    obviously, for the rst it is somewhat different. but before everyone starts talking about fraud and coverups and whatnot, lets take into account that they arent hiding the resignations - each member was publically marked as resigned, and thanked for their service. so, its only really the reasons that remain hidden.


    they will have to come out eventually, so its best they are done within a respectable timetable. its not like the rst have said "we dont have to make a comment, na na na na na" - in truth, if the resignations have been over a contentious matter it is only the dignified thing to do to wait till its all cooled before making a comment.


    we live in a world of instant information, but instant information is often rushed and shit information. lets just trust all the parties to act responsibly as they have.


    as far as im concerned, i trust the rst precisely because they employ/are run by people like frankie. if something has made him leave (that isnt just merely circumstantial) then i would tend immediately to side with him. but like everyone, we cant know until it is all out. so lets just wait and see: if months go by and nothing is said then you dont need to pay next years subscription. the rst stands and falls on its integrity and its common support, so its one organisation with which you can vote with your feet, so its all good.

  8. we cant sack walter - regicide doesnt make for prosporous countries. he has done enough to earn his right to keep building surely. i mean, i am wandering away into the "its only football" self-delusion its hurting that hard, but reactionary sackings and all that just dont work*. *aparts from when they do.

  9. thats probably the right balance - to deny that we have turned round so ridiculously well would be nuts. but thats a relative sort of value - always looking back at the most horrendous league campaign in our modern history. we have a lot to be proud about; a lot of our integrity has been restored in the very personality of walter smith. that said, to deny that we could have had the league sewn up ages ago (or to deny that it should be mentioned because of all the other good stuff we have done) would also be to deny too much. walters conservatism may have prospered in europe, it hasnt faired too well against lesser opposition. i think we have been guilty of over-estimating opponents for a while. our reserve players should be able to put up a good game against spl sides - 451 is the ultimate counter-attacking formation, but you arent going to draw an spl side out. and if you do, you have gave them confidence by sitting off them, an they are more likely to play better. i think walter cant win - if he shook things up a bit and took a gamble, and he lost (like the prisoners dillema) he would be accused of throwing the league away on un-tried players. personally, i would have done it: boyds and gows have it all to prove, but i can see why eh didnt. i think the two old firm games were key in all this. its been a mad season.

  10. Just ask the Mods/Admins to change it .... ain't too difficult for them... they do fook all anyway!!


    i represe, uhm, resent these accusations. :box: we're not so much lazy as thoroughly chilled out. :sleep:

  11. Why don't we choose it for him ;)

    maybe not "we" - you at least came up with something good whereas mine's are my initials. i dont deserve to choose a username ever again.


    right, that's it settled: ascender is now pope of usernames. what he says goes. everyone should be properly nice to him. :D

  12. i just dunno. you would think after the uefa cup we could aim slightly higher, but its just hard to say. you tend to think anyone who is any good, and within our price budget, will end up at some mid-level english club with higher wages. it all depends how carried away murray got with getting to a european final i think.

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