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Posts posted by bmck

  1. Why should one statement of fact make you overcome your apathy, if you happened to be interested which we know your not then you'd know there is far more to it than just that one fact. But as stated above if you are not interested in a thread then best not leave comment on it.


    dont ask questions then moan when you get an answer. just because it's an ulster day thread doesn't mean that it's only for the people who want to celebrate our historical lineage - it's about considering the place of our lineage and how worthwhile it is. if getting answers to your own questions in that context is too much for you, best not to leave your questions in the first place.

  2. Unless it has passed your notice, but this thread is about Ulster Day and the clubs links to Ulster. I was iterating that Ulster has more to it than the paramilitary side.


    actually, no. someone said they couldn't be arsed with irish links (and ulster day in general), and you seemed to think that one/two of our clubs founder's mother was from ulster should somehow overcome his apathy.

  3. Ah, but the ruling is based on perception apparently...


    Nacho is a catholic but the Celtic supporters will see him as just another DOB. Sectarian irony is surely a PC term? :D


    this is the absurdity its descending to - i had to read that about 5 times to get the full meaning out it.


    we have catholics who hate catholics who're orangemen

    we have secularists who think they are protestants who hate catholics who aren't catholics but are plastic stereotypes of them

    we have catholics who arent catholics who think singing should be tailored to their sensitivies as catholics who are not catholics

    we have celtic supporters who think they're oppressed and anti-establishment while running to any establishment who'll pander to their irrationality


    it's all too much, i just cant make it sense of it anymore. i think i'll stick to watching the fitbaw. :thup:

  4. So Lennon and Novo have been taking similar levels of abuse, but only one is described as sectarian.


    to be fair, nacho's probably catholic, he's spanish. it cant be sectarian. the trick's in the sleight of hand that says there's differing ratings of thuggary - sectarian/random thug, all the same.

  5. The protest isn't for the right to sing a song, it's for parity when reporting incidents that involve ALL clubs in Scotland.


    i dont give a flying f**k what the bbc say. i cant be arsed with them at all.


    BBC Scotland have played a large part in tarring 'your' club with the sectarian brush without the desire and will to address other teams problems too.


    i cant be tarred as sectarian because i'm not sectarian. if anyone thinks i am, it's their problem.


    I don't understand why you aren't concerned because you don't have a TV. Regardless of whether you have a TV or not this company is hellbent on blackening the name of Rangers.


    the point is that the bbc doesn't get any of my custom, so it can do what the hell it likes. cancel your subscription if you hate it so much.


    Are you telling us you don't care?


    im not sure who the 'us' is here, but yes, what i'm telling you is that i dont care if the bbc thinks i'm a bigot. i only like spooks, anyway, and even that's went down hill.


    football isn't politics for me. i just enjoy watching my team win. i know what the media's like and i find it all just extremely boring.


    like i said, i appluad you for daring to stand up for what you think's right; its not something i think is important enough to protest about.


    the irish government chose (as it does) to interfere in the politics of other countries - the bbc's reporting that. i'm just glad we're not like celtic supporters and dont feel the need to run to every authority we can find and beg for our view to be championed.

  6. ^ dont you think you're just a little worked up? it's annoying having this sort of stupidity go on, but there's no grand injustice. you're not oppressed. them asking for it to be banned says more about them, really.

  7. If ma granny had baws ;)


    agreed this manager-cant-tell-future as managerial-defect is too much. he gambled that we would, as we should, have had the players to be kaunas. he lost the gamble; he cant be blamed for not knowing the futre.

  8. I don't think fighting smart is weakness


    indeed. the celtic fans are smart enough to see the ground's moved slightly - with everyone so sensitive about pluralism/multiculturalism they realise they only have to shout "racist" to get everyone's attention.


    crap, but true. we need to be smarter than crying and shouting "injustice" even though it really is.

  9. thats great; my wee maw first went there regularly in the 60s with her brothers, and its her 60th next week, so they're being used as part of a photo album full of this sort of things. really thanks again. :D

  10. Seems to me that throughout history and round the world there are many male garments that are not trousers.


    Clothes are after all just garments to cover the body and are almost arbitrarily gender assigned.


    The kilt is obviously gender assigned to men and I find it strange that you think anything that does not agree with the recent Western convention of men wearing trousers, as feminine.


    I think it's obvious you have issues when you are afraid of male attire because you think it could be mistaken for women's clothing even when few knowledgeable people would make that mistake. And I doubt many blokes who enjoy dressing as a woman would choose to wear a kilt to fulfil their fantasies.


    Perhaps you need to relax and find more confidence in your own masculinity - and Scottishness...


    You seem to be trying far too hard to show how you are more Scottish and more manly than everyone else.


    this is just utter pish. make your point with out petty amateur psychology. address the arguments, not the person.

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