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Posts posted by bmck

  1. i think it would be a good move.


    burke's biggest problem is his tendency to get injured. he has looked exciting when he's played, and in several european games he's been our most dangerous player. he needs a big, big, run of games if he's ever to get past his injury-proneness and turn into a decent, consistent, mature player. he's not going to get that at us - but a loan move cant hurt us. if it slightly eases the wage bill, gets him match fitness and puts him in the shop window, everyone wins. it would be a good move i think.

  2. i think people need to get real about young whipersnappers like fleck. who, in their right mind, would consider so-called exciting youngsters when we have the proven wit, charm, class and ability of proven, hardy, players like mcculloch? you're a disgrace!


    no, i'd love to see fleck. i do think walter smith is a firm believer in the youngsters dont win you anything title. he does seem to like buying them, but not so much playing them. although KT, Naismith, Broadfoot even Boyd are still at the younger-end of the spectrum. i think he thinks if he plays youngsters he'll not only drop vital points but get slaughtered for it. to be honest though, i think the return from the wide left position has been so little it would be hard for even a youngster to go backwards from there. that said, he is properly young - is he not only like 17 or something? i just wish there was some sort of system for regularly introducing youngsters to the first team. cant blame walter overly though - fans turn on youngsters as soon as they dont deliver. no matter how many people complain, you dont get time to even gel a team, never mind gently introduce youngsters. two bad results and half the team should be sacked or sold.

  3. just read this just now. even without the petty agendas evident in so much of what's written, old media in general must be quite nervous about simply being cut out of the equation altogether. why woudl i listen to some petty journalist abstract the soul right out of the game i love with big words and tepidity (if that's a word) when i can read some eloquent person's opinion who loves the team and the game as much as me? it's an easy choice, and one more people will continue to make.


    the papers, even if its unconsciously, will give extra foregrounding of anything that likewise suits their agenda. if someone says something bad about the internet they're going to make sure their readers get to hear it, to create brand loyalty.


    but the thing i think's strongest about the article is that, maintaining a sense of decorum, you don't just blindly rant at the papers. the only way to get your opinion heard is to treat them as partners, rather than antagonising the weakness they're beginning to show.


    great read frankie.

  4. Yeah, it would be nice if the issue was on a song that we cared about, but it's not, but we've still got to defend the right of our fellow supporters to sing it.


    that is the thing - and, annoying as it is, you know that a lot of people singing it actually are bigotted pains in the arse. but the song isnt. so without falling away into the insanity of judging intentions, i'll quite happily defend their right to sing it.


    but, honestly, i've grown disillusioned with democracy - as soon as you give the rabble a voice they use it, and they're generally such idiots. papers are the collective representation of the rabble. its so laughable they think they're on the grand, noble, moral crusade of their time - these same people who would be too scared to walk down maryhill road at night incase a ned stabbed them to death think that the hypersensibilities of the pseudo-irish is what needs defending. yaar.

  5. No, it's not.


    it cant be. no law is even theoretically being broken. if it has, its a stupid law. its our ethical duty to ignore stupid laws.


    its a crap song - but it annoys idiots, so it works for me. :D

  6. frankie and i have written pieces on this, with emphasis o in slightly different aspects of the insanity. calscot has said it here too - i would leave it up to frankie about how best to present it all, but personally i've gotten sick of it - what an utter farce in every sense. petty horrid country.

  7. man, doing it at pitoddrie would be some buzz. that's something to be aspired to. we should do a gersnet gonzo journalistic article - we could get help from the civilisationaly-deprived gersnet members on how to talk sheep convincingly!

  8. Correct Barry,it's always a good atmosphere in beside TBO, so much so that you don't notice how quiet other parts of Ibrox is,don't like giving my seat up for the mopes though.


    the trade-off is that you get to be within spitting distance of them for the OF games though in the corner :D:thup:

  9. cheers lads. i just dont know what these people think they are fighting at all. are they the ones fighting a great evil? my mate's just back thankfully unscathed from Afghanistan and he thinks he just doing his job; spiers and his ilk think they're fighting a more noble fight, where 'fighting' amounts to sarcastic self indulgent inflammatory pish. it's qutie hard to take.


    cammy, i did have an inkling you'd disagree :D i probably disagree with myself on that point. i dont like being consistent ;) just trying to present the best case that could be made before contrasting with what is actually the case. there's some latin term for it. i dont mind the idea of religious schooling in principle, but i dont think it helps the division issue. we're all bigots, though - its true. we're just not the special, superbigots the press'd have us believe.


    pete, aye - on the swearing, there's a good case for removing it. i'm not offended by any words, they just have more or less poetry. "bugger" just wouldn't do as a descriptive way of expressing losing �£50, say. the typo's a tad embaressing ;) given their track record, i think the sort of people who take offense at this sort of thing might not be able to look at the context to determine the meaning! "it's a hun admission that his very soul is teinted by sectarianism!".


    right, to work.

  10. i work in it unfortunately, and i have no idea why people htink they are anonymous at all. the police, for instance, could find out who any internet person is, who posted anywhere, at any time. its mad.


    glad we pestered you into posting briton :D

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