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Posts posted by bmck

  1. knives out his back; excuses out his arse. he's a top player, he's got all the plaudits as a top player. one of the perils of being a top player is that if you stop playing like a top player (whatever the reason) you get criticism. he should be moaning if he doesn't get criticism because then people don't care one way or the other.


    until that first hour on saturday, with my bad memory, i was honestly starting to forget what the fuss about ferguson was. wondering if, in retrospect, i'd romanticised his abilities a bit. i hadn't. he's excellent. but if you're excellent for an hour and then crumble so badly that you undo all the good you done, then you deserve criticism. that's the very definition of deserved-criticism.

  2. I think the reason I wish PLG had been given more of an opportunity is because he symbolises the kind of changes I'd like to see at the club - even if his tenure was flawed in itself.


    As such, while I may not wish to go back to him, I would like to see changes in our managerial approach to embody a more continental strategy.


    that really sums up my attitude entirely. the philosophy with plg was 100% right and should've been seen through to the end. i cringe when i think that bf et al might have objected to the new eating/fitness regime and been supported in it from on high. whether plg was the right man to see this through, though, is less certain.

  3. the famine song has a very catchy tune. i think most people who think about it reasonably can't really disagree with the sentiments of the song, even if people go a little nuts about the form.


    for a laugh i think we should have a re-writing-of-the-famine-song competition with two rules. the first is that it has to try and make the same point, and the second is that it must be able to be sung to the same tune.


    the winner gets an all expenses day out paid to the high court to be prosecuted for racism.


    my entry:


    if there's one thing i know

    is that all the timmy hordes

    must love being british

    or else they'd surely go home


    so go on home

    go on home

    pay back your british giros

    get on the boat, and go home.


    :cheers: :whistle: :box: :devil:

  4. ^ agreed. flo was a decent player undone by the burden of a disproportionate transfer fee (which is both da and sdm's fault - i can't have seen murray insisting on buying him if da said he wasn't worth that much).

  5. i dont have the age excuse yet (though i am getting on, 0.5*50 next month!), but i've never been that good at sobriety. my response to your dilemma would be to mull the whole issue of your creeping-football-caused-alcoholism over with a few pints :)

  6. i like levein despite his histrionics. he's astute, and he's played no small part in not only turning dundee utd around but in having a vision and taking it forward. they turned a profit. they have a youth policy.


    i wouldn't be overly chuffed as i wouldn't imagine him coming in and having the kind of clout you'd need to get the most out of big players, but, i dunno, he's not daft.

  7. I hope my seat is still intact Barry :whistle:


    hehe, there might be a bite mark on it somewhere - there's only so much frustration a man can take. :devil:


    thanks for the ticket mate. :cheers:


    i owe you all many pint.jpgs

  8. Yip, the first half yesterday especially is the kind of football I want to see, the players were well up for it, but what happened after that ?, obviously losing Lafferty was a big blow as the guy was playing out of his skin, but yet again a daft substitution Beasley off Naismith on ????. Still if the players go out with the same kind of approach as the first half then at least we will have a fighting chance


    first half display was immense. it isn't an exaggeration to say that lafferty was leading from the front. he set the tempo and chased everything down and actually done constructive things with the ball when he won it. boyd won flick-ons, barry ferguson looked like he was enjoying his football with incisive forward passes.


    too many players disappeared though. papac was woeful. davis might as well have dematerialised. mendes was far, far, off the pace. ferguson just looked annoyed. dailly done well throughout i thought, but everyone went into passenger mode. and once the impetus was lost there was no attempt (unlike celtic yesterday) to reclaim it. punting the ball forward and not even chasing up the second balls.

  9. And it was great catching up with you on Saturday, even if it was just briefly m8 :cheers:


    Cammy F


    aye man, twas good to see you - not seen you in ages! really good meeting ian too :cheers: after the first half it looked like it was to be the best day ever. really dont know how people can stand not to be in TBO; it's like being at a different game. when their first goal went in though the capitulation looked horribly inevitable. when dundee utd scored yesterday i began to allow myself to think back about how much i thoroughly enjoyed the day as a whole. not been to ibrox in ages, and it was good to be back. but you look around and see the little optimism left in people's faces who have spent a whole year's worth of saturday and sunday's, and money and time, and investment of emotion just disappear with 45 minutes of ineptitude and it makes your own watching-it-on-the-telly woes seem a little less serious.

  10. cammy, i've not been to ibrox in a while, so the kris boyd debate's all been in the abstract for me. goal to game ratio; comments made in the media. it wasn't until i saw a half-dead kyle lafferty, who'd busted his ass running about and actually producing things, being patted on the ass by boyd, telling him to hobble out towards the touchline to head the ball down the line, while he remained completely stationary, that i finally saw the anti-boyd argument in the flesh. it's just not right. he barely moved the whole game.


    now, i've always defended boyd. always, so there's no no-matter-what-he-does-he-gets-criticism from me. i realise that it's just gut reaction; you look at him not moving and it's just awful, it affects your judgement. but i understand now in a way i haven't been able from watching him on the telly, and in clips, why people get some animated in their dislike for him. there are other mitigating factors like selection/formation, but i'm beginning to wonder if the like/dislike divide can be nealty dichotomised into see-him-in-the-flesh versus see-him-on-the-telly-or-through-match-reports. there's more to it all obviously, but ffs.

  11. If the Chairman was to come clean (I know, I know) and state that we will have to do 'x', 'y' and 'z' to ensure the longevitiy (sp) of the club and this means 'a', 'b' and 'c', most of the fans would be angry, but would grateful for being made aware and would get behind the plan.


    this is what gets me the most. he's never once accepted that these are Trying Times, much less that he has a vision for taking us forward in them.

  12. Excellent stuff mate....


    Where is our hero on a white charger? Surely the millionaires who follow our team must be as upset as the rest of us?


    do they exist? even if they did, is there a millionaire just now who isn't looking at the price of his housing and stock portfolios and is more annoyed at the state of his football club? you can only hope but i'm not that hopeful :(


    1. Open a new file in your computer.

    2. Name it "All Celtic Fans".

    3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

    4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

    5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of "All Celtic


    6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

    7. Feel better?






    from an email i just got. :)

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