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Posts posted by bmck

  1. i think if the celtic fans just had a bit thicker skin they could've gotten past all this sanitising of the support. now that it's started though, 'hun' has to go, if ****** and other words like it are now the worst thing in the world.

  2. to me it's all just excuse making; trying to have your cake and eat it. ireland have been treated pretty shittily; does it justify the ira bombing innocent civilians? no. all this 'oh i think it's bad personally but i can understand it' is, to me, just opting out of taking a stance. everyone who sings this, or finds it regretable but can understand it, better opt out of compaints about songs about the ibrox disaster. unless those who sing it admit they just like singing it to wind up celtic fans, or justify it on those grounds, they're just bullshitters, and not worth listening to regardless of their injustice stories.


    just because we're always getting the shitty end of the stick doesn't justify anything. just because you can sympathise with people annoyed that we continually get it doesn't translate into giving this implicit approval by refusing to take a stand against it. not saying whether you agree with it or not is the same as agreeing with it. it's already happening. all this 'but we're so hard done by, can you really blame us for a few dodgy digs?' is the exact same reasoning we condemn in celtic fans.


    not for this bear. people can sing away, i think football should have thick enough skin to deal with jibes of this sort. i wouldnt want it banned. but i wont sing it, unless i feel like it at any given time, but if anyone tells me they're doing it because a) they feel they've been getting the crappy end of the stick and this is their rebellion, or b) they want to raise the issue to bring some sense of justice, then i'll consider that person either a liar or just deluded. that's my own view, but there's got to be standards. either admit its just another who shagged or the boys, and enjoy it, or dont sing it - just dnot furnish it with faux-injustice justification.


    i wish bjk singers would just have the balls to be cuntish, and acknowledge its for cuntishness, and cuntishness is often fun - masking cuntishness with social injustice stories is timmy techniques, though, and shouldn't happen.

  3. I must say I dislike the BJK campaign, BJK did know and reacted, however as BD said not enough and could/should have went straight to the police, but as I said I don't like the whole campaign, especially singing it at football matches


    aye, ignoring my little rant - the justification by timmy in the article is clearly hole-ridden. i do think BJK, the evidence points there, but it was a different time, and is now long past. if anyone wants to take it up it should be those who were affected by it.


    until, of course, you know singing it will be the one thing that'll drive the tims wherever you are that slabbery insane way they do so well. then its justified :D

  4. I dunno, to me it seems like the natural reaction of a group of people being villified by their society unjustly.


    bullshit. the people singing it love that celtic boys club shagged all the boys; they have no interest in social justice, no care for the victims, and no morally legitimate position to offer their pathetic critique from - they are willing to trample over corpses, the will of the victims, so that they can enjoy their little GIRUYs. so long as they're willing to admit that, we're fine, but i'm not going for anything more noble than this.


    We get routinely attacked and lambasted in the media for any kind of minor infringement whilst they seem to hold the role of the good guys in our society. And yet they are the one's who are guilty of hiding paedophilia a far more serious crime than naughty singing.


    sorry mate, i'm not partial to nonsense bifurcation. i'm not going to to get trapped in either/ors that don't exist in order to justify enjoying that your rivals were involved in paedophelia. 'paedophelia or naughty singing - what is worse?' is a bullshit dinstinction. one doesn't justify the other; each is judged (and incidentally has been judged) on its own terms.




    not going to be hoodwinked by this mate. just because we are wrongly lambasted, and they hold the role of good guys, doesn't make people at a football match abusing a dead person's memory, associating it with paedophelia, for no purpose other than their own amusement, some sort of social good. it's petty, pointless and i dont trust the judgement of anyone led by the nose by such trivial rhetoric.


    if you admit that you like that children were abused by celtic because it gives you something to sing about, and annoys them, and is a laugh, then sing away, i may even join you if i'm drunk or have enough devilment in me at that moment; you start sticking more noble intentions around it and i'm going to call it for the bullshit it is undeniably is.


    It might be distasteful, but it is natual for people to lash out like that when their "punishment" is far to severe for the crime and there is a worse criminal in the neighbourhood.


    i'm not sure there's much i find more scummy than that; distasteful doesn't cover it. and 'lashing out' happens in an instant, not in pathetic posters and banners sung for years with a bullshit, hypocritcal, sense of righteous indignation and articles and justification.


    no compromise for me on this; the bjk thing is fucking shameful, timmy behaviour. the hypocrisy in a bill struth and a bjk banner in the same space and time would surely cause a hole to be ripped in reality.

  5. I was thinking about it, and I'm not sure it's possible to take the moral posturings of the media seriously at all anymore; they've just given up on even pretending to protect public interests any more and just descended into pure theatrics. They're light entertainment at best; you eat your morning roll and get worked up over the papers. They're like Jeremy Kyle. Wherever I agree with their analysis I can't shake the feeling that they're just saying it for show anyway; they didn't give a fuck, they just wanted to provide entertainment. All their little dilemmas and heroes and villains are just part of an ongoing show for our amusement, and nothing more.


    You think back to old London town and public hangings. The guy getting his head chopped off looking one last time at the crowd and seeing people on a day out; eating food from vendors, laughing and joking, boo-ing and cheering, before justice parts him from his head. While he might be rightly punished, it would be hard for him to see genuine moral outrage in all people he was looking out at.


    So, while I might think it might be right for someone to goto the gallows, or be arrested for sectarian chanting, or chastised for being an idiot when representing their country, it's not suprising that things like that happen. It's when you turn around and see all the 'good' people working up self-indulgent rage, paying so that they can read about it, getting all worked up and phoning phone ins, at the bidding of journalists who're more circus ringmasters directing easily-pleased punters than protectors of the public interest, that you're puzzled.


    As one reads history, not in the expurgated editions written for schoolboys and passmen, but in the original authorities of each time, one is absolutely sickened, not by the crimes that the wicked have committed, but by the punishments that the good have inflicted
    - Oscar Wilde


    If a community is infinitely more brutalised by the habitual employment of punishment than it is by the occasional occurrence of crime, then it's infinitely more triviliased by the habitual employment of a panto press, not by the occasional idiocy of politically incorrect fans or childish footballers.


    If you pay them money, you give them hits, reference their articles, it's your fault. :)

  6. its easy to play into that idealised image of a football supporter when you aren't so explicitly positioned at every turn as a consumer. i imagine it's easier when you aren't financing luxury for a whole industry of people to see it purely in these terms.

  7. The cynical part of me agrees with you but how can we seriously expect to get much money (if any) for these players now.


    i actually agree that it's illogical, but i think our dealings in the transfer market have always tended this way. even announcing that our players are for sale at all (as has happpened a lot recently) devalues them. i honestly think that players have to go, and that having a Very Good Reason for having these players go, rather than calling it downsizing, would be too much to miss for those who are in control of the purse strings.


    i dont think the events of the past week will vastly change the fee; no-one bought in at the higher prices at christmas. the only thing that's changed is that the club now have a reason and the backing of the press.


    Meanwhile both are earning around �£50K p/week between them while they don't play.


    this is true; it's money wasted, but i have the suspicion that barry wants to go (why was he acting like that in the first place if all was well?), walter wants him gone, sdm wants everyone gone, and now there's a narrative spun round it that everyone can believe in.


    Before this nonsense, Ferguson was perhaps worth around �£1-2million and McGregor perhaps �£3-5million as both were experienced international players. Now, neither are internationals, have behaviour issues and Rangers want rid of them (apparently).


    Who'd pay those values now?


    who'd pay them in the first place?


    i think the decision's already been made that the higher wage players have to go regardless of fee. we've not been knocking back initial offers; we've been taking anything, without haggling. i think they'd ideally like the most money, but will be happy to take what they can get and stop paying the wages. that's all just projection.


    for me personally, ferguson and the sticking up the vicky thing really just excludes himself for ever captaining anything. not as any form of just punishment for badness, it's just not captain, first-among-equals, material. "ah, so it turns out you're not a men among boys, and so really shouldn't be a captain". all the punishments are over the top, and i dont think many people are acting for the reasons they say they are, even if i agree with the reasons. it's a shambles.

  8. the more talented the person, the easier they are to forgive though. i could forgive 9iar people anything, but the current crop haven't won that sort affection from me. i can't be irked about the drinking, obviously, it'd be hypocritical of me, but there seems like a gap there.

  9. not only that, the conditions for any form of nationalism have been largely crippled in the west by capitalism. we are loyal to our tastes. i made the choice to support rangers; they matter to me. i am scottish, but i am ambivalent towards it. there's some of it i like, some of it i don't like. just like everything else. whatever moral authority people twist to try and bind your conscience in that way is built on sand; a power-play, and nothing more.

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