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Posts posted by bmck

  1. i agree ian, though the cumulative total of points denied that can be directly assigned to poor decisions is pretty shocking. but that's part of the game, and you've got to have enough in reserve to compensate for bad luck and incompetency if you want to win a league. i just hope they have it in them. i remember on the apprentice sir alan sugar used to go on about how he needed 'closers' to bring deals to conclusions. i get worried our teams lack of experience in winning leagues puts celtic in a better 'closers' position. you know strachan'll be saying 'ah they've never won a league, you're the champions - you wont be slipping up etc'. we just need to win, and try and score a few goals, to keep the pressure on them, because they are the poorest champions in recent history.

  2. A Rangers legend is an exclusive club, and bears never forget their legends. Does he want to be a legend or just another in a long line of strikers?


    i hope there are people at the club whose job it is to keep this in the forefront of people's minds. the possibility of greatness is really what you want to be motivating your players. :D

  3. He got far too much abuse at Ibrox from his own supporters, as seems to be the case with our youth players coming through the ranks, and that of course puts even more pressure on him.


    this has always puzzled me. do you think it's just ibrox this happens at?

  4. "Celtic devote a lot of resources to their reserve team, so for us to challenge them for so long is a credit to the players here.


    Not sure what he means by that quote ?


    that one stuck out for me too. wonder what he means.


    eta: scrap that, read johnny's post. he must mean that reserves are for getting first team players fit. you think, though, that the chance to keep against teams at a higher level would get more of the youngsters playing there more quickly.

  5. They may be deluding themselves, but it doesn't mean that they don't believe it.


    just because i beleive i'm the king of england doesn't justify me going around asking peasants to kiss my ring. :D i'm not one for the if-they-believe-in-their-hearts-they're-doing-good-its-not-right-to-contradict school. same thinking justifies the twin towers, and takings for PIRA in pubs in maryhill.


    We may have to agree to disagree on this one.


    i guess so, but it doesn't seem seem we disagree on that much to be honest. the only difference is you entertain the delusions of rangers supporters in a way you don't celtic supporters, and i think if we take that approach that opens us all up to charges of hypocrisy. i don't like this trend - i think if we start buying bullshit justifications, or entertaining delusions, we'll become just like them. who knows, maybe death threats to nacho novo is a legitimate act of war in defiance of unjust oppressors? so long as they believed it....


    as ever where there's difference of opinion, worth pointing out that it's all just opinions. not stuff that really matters in the grand scale of things. :)

  6. Surely you can't generalise and say 50,000+ people behave in a certain way for one singular reason?


    of course you can. you get at motivation from context. people interested in righting social wrongs don't sing songs at football games. people who say they are doing this are either liars or deluded. there's no other options.


    singing it isn't getting back at any injustice, no matter what people feel in their hearts, so it leaves only a few options. they're singing it because it's fun (my preferred reason, the one i think best gets at the nature of football crowds, not sacrificing honesty to grab an imaginary moral high ground), or because they think they are addressing social injustice (in which case they're deluded, or they're giving a reason that isn't truthful).


    i dont believe it when celtic fans say they sing 'fuck the pope and davie cooper' as a decleration of autonomy from britain, and i dont believe it when rangers fan say they sing bjk to redress social ills. i cant make myself believe it, because it's not true.

  7. I've come across people who say they are using it as a way of getting back at what they perceive as unfair treatment and have no reason to doubt that they are being truthful.


    i do because it's nonsense. people who think you get back at unfair treatment by singing songs at football games are, if not liars, deluded. the reason for this song isn't unfair treatment, and it doesn't going any way towards addressing any unfair treatment; anyone who entertains that argument are deluding themselves, imho.

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