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Posts posted by bmck

  1. Translation:


    We're skint so we wont be bringing in any new players


    you're right, but our current skintness maybe the reason we've got a crop of established 23-24 year olds in the next few years that could be the core of a really good team. it might've forced our hand, but it may work out for the best so long as we can keep a solid core of players.

  2. exactly m8, they are a horrible club with the majority of fans also horrible. they have just got rid of their best manager in years, no one will do any better than what Jimmy did IMO but they didn't like him as he was a bluenose............


    they really are. sectarian hatred is bad but provincial hatred is ok; it's ridiculous. their papers play up to it too.


    wee jimmy has taken them as far as they can go - just dont see them improving under mcghee.

  3. great thing about this site wilkie is you dont need anti depressants after reading the threads !!!!!


    that's because we all take them before we start typing :spl:

  4. n_c, i think to do justice to the subject you'd have to take an extremely polemical approach. the current media situation is historically unique - old media's having to defend its legitimacy and existence in a way it hasn't for a long a time - and a proper treatment of how to address it would have to be less charitable, i think, than the document is as a whole. to manage the press effectively you have to acknowledge concepts like rhetoric, will and propoganda that might have given the positive stance of the document a sour taste, despite its legitimacy.


    dealing with the media is something you want strategy devised behind closed doors, as celtic seem adept at doing, but we dont.

  5. So what about watching BBC iplayer? or 4oD? etc... did they have to check they weren't installed on your computer?


    All allowed. Still waiting on someone coming out. Read that back there - I meant to say 'they said they'd send'. It's only TV as-its-broadcast you need a license for. So, if your computer had a TV-card, you'd be fucked, but not if it has iplayer.


    The whole thing is baffling, and the BBC can be shocking for what is meant to be publicly funded tv.


    Scottish BBC is awful; some of the centrally produced stuff is amazing, and would be impossible if it wasn't publicly funded - like planet earth and whatnot. All their educational stuff is better than most other places in the world, but everything else is particularly bad - the media coverage is shite and too political for a publicly funded organisation.


    When it comes to the sport stuff, it is difficult to have objectivity in broadcasts... however there is an easy solution... have one person strong enough for each side... you could stomach seeing a tim moaning if he was sitting next to a novo-like character bigging up the champs!


    Agreed. They should do what Channel 4 news do when ever anything happens. Pick the best person from each side of the debate and have them argue it out. Then if you get bored with all the details you can just choose a side and want them to win. :spl:


    As for the petition, anyone not going to sign it?

  6. No, that's not the case at all. You can have a TV, computer etc in your house as long as you're not watching TV programmes on it.


    Shroomz is right; I don't have a TV. It's only tv-as-it-happens from somewhere that you need a license for. If you have broadband - no, but if you have a TV card in your computer, aye. When I said I didn't need one they didn't believe me, they send an inspector out. Mental.

  7. i'm astounded to see how many people would be happy to let mendes go. some of the reactions are knee jerk. the guy's played half a season for us; he's been inconsistent, but not even RDB was that consistent when he arrived. do people not get 6 months to settle in? he had hardly kicked a ball the first half of the season. it's same with the players coming back from injury - they're not brilliant for a bit and its decided their surplus.


    i think the idea is that if you could get someone better. but then they need to time to settle. i think you need to persevere with some level of inconsistency - from young players and older ones - to ever get to consistency. some people would've punted steve davis, kyle lafferty if even a decent offer came in. hutton and broadfoot and a million other examples show that people tend to get better at what they're asked to do after a while - after a period of inconsistency you get better, and can then start turning to style.


    i think with mendes if you get rid of him (and players like him) too quickly - or are too keen to get rid of them, it just shows a sort of impatience or anxiety. i think is happening not because of the players but a sort of general feeling that the future's not quite right. but in footballing terms i think it's wise to assume retaining - where a silly money offer doesn't come in - anyone who could walk into most comparible first teams. even if they dont perform to their capabilities instantly, its wiser to give them time than to chop and change. challengers need impetus and renewal - that's all the things celtic will be cultivating this year - but we need resolve, thoroughness and to establish a team who know each other as winners and all that sort of stuff.


    i don't know who we should keep, but big chopping and changing i think would set us back. obviously the finances dictate, but i think the "if we get decent money we could get someone better" line will only set us back - by the time there's agents fees, and the costs of transfer, and the little bit to the debt, we lose momentum at too high a cost.

  8. one of the best articles i've read in a while. the only obvious point is that because sdm owns such a high percentage of the shares, there is no personal motivation (and then, arguably moral) motivation to appoint someone in keeping with the higher markets. full listing costs more too, which may not be wise in a time of decline. while we might want more debate in the boardroom, i can't see what will make sdm want it. hopefully this and the rest of STS can persuade :D

  9. agree with lepardized other than on lafferty and probably novo. i think if novo had gotten a long run in the team a few years ago he could've really improved, but i'm not sure if he's going to give us more than a bit of impetus now and again. depends on how much he costs i suppose.

  10. Sorry Barry but I think you're still missing my point and I don't need to believe in a premise to point out a contradiction.


    trust me, i didn't miss your point. belief in premises is completely irrelevant to reasoning.


    Look him up and you'll find he was a striker who won a world record of U21 caps while in that position and did not change to defence until he was about 22. Does that not make it his "natural position"?



    as a simple example of deduction, it could be rephrased:


    P1 If a player plays in a position first it is their natural position

    P2 Dailly was a striker first

    -> Daily's natural position is a striker


    i realise you're only arguing this to make it at least seem plausible why walter smith chose this, supporting s_a's argument. but, as an example of deduction, the argument is sound but not valid, because the first premise is flawed (or least highly contenstable).


    you then stepped out of rationality to resort to two rhetorical arguments, one a logical fallacy (ad hominem):


    You might have heard it all but you've understood bugger all. Try listening instead of just hearing.


    you've implied his inability to understand your argument is based on incomprehension, when he understands your argument perfectly, but just rejects it. why? because, it seems to some people (like gazza, and i'm sure other succesful professional managers who wouldn't've made that decision) that playing an established defender as a striker is not something that should be done, and it seems ok to others (like you) because it has some justification.


    this sort of statement:


    Anyway, the fact is the guy can obviously play upfront at a push and SuperAlly has given a pretty feasible explanation for Walter's decision.


    isn't an argument. gazza wasn't arguing there was NO justification for playing Dailly there, just that, irrespective of the justification, it shouldn't be done.


    just because i understand perfectly that no player has one natural position and one only, and because some players switch positions over years, that christian dailly should be stuck up front at any given time. i know your gripe seems to be with the general, rabid, unreasoned criticism - but there's at least as much rational support for thinking such a move is a good move as thinking it's a bad move, so implying "logic" or those who listen, will necessarily think one way about the decision rather than the other is wrong :)


    If people think it's ridiculous then maybe that's why Walter has won 8 titles and countless trophies while they haven't.


    winning 8 titles makes you an excellent manager, not immune from ridiculousness. i've achieved lots of great things and am still, largely, an idiot.


    anyway, onwards, we won the double - the most important thing! :)


  11. I don't really believe in fixed natural positions at all and Dailly is a case in point. He can play many positions, including breezing a short sub stint as a striker. One natural position to me is a myth and I won't complain if Whittaker plays as a right back, left back or left midfield as long as he does a half decent job most of the time.


    i think you're making too much out of the word natural. dailly was being played out of position. that he played that position over a decade ago doesn't mean he's any less being played out of position. those who complained he was being played out of position are not being inconsistent, they're right.


    I'm sure you must get it by now...


    not quite, i must be daft. people complained daily was being played out of position. you said they were stupid for saying this because striker was his natural position. but then you argued that there was no such thing as a natural position, all the while maintaining the point you are making is obvious.


    dailly was played in an unusual position. though there were reasons for playing him as a striker, there were reasons for doing things another way that didn't involve playing someone out of position. playing players in position has advantages. holland's total football - everyone playing whatever position was necesary - didn't work. people have a right, and not to be told they are contradicting themselves, when they think its ridiculous to play daily as a striker.


    but i agree with your larger point that this has to be tempered by the fact that we won, so putting more focus on that decision than the result as a whole is probably skewed, but it's not a meaningless contradictory complaint.

  12. We wanted the league back and Walter nearly got it back last year but he has this year and he's also won us plenty of cups and been in most of if not all finals we can be in since his return. It's not great to watch sometimes but I don't know what more some fans want or expect. Gone are the days class players will come to the SPL IMO most will go down south for more money and play against better teams but won't win much. We might be lucky in signing younger players who turn out to be class players but then agin they might not.


    this is the right attitude. there is much to pick apart in our current team, but success simply has to temper how far people are willing to go. we laugh at celtic fans for hating straching - the most succesful manager in their recent history - and we shouldn't want to do the same with walter. he has brought pros and cons, but the pros have involved us being back where we belong at the top.

  13. And as many players don't settle into their main position till their early 20's, it's hard to say which is their best position till they are a lot older.


    It's also still a matter of opinion. Whittaker's main position so far is as left back, but I see his best future as more of a right winger. Many will disagree.


    so a striker isn't daily's natural position then? and people who criticise smith for playing him there aren't being inconsistent?

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