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Posts posted by bmck

  1. yeah, such high wit really makes our making them all jump up in emphatic exclamation because they thought they were onto the league look piteable.


    "i made a rangers player say something about the ira by taking advantage of his kindness, aren't i just so funny?"


    straight out the top drawer.

  2. naismith is a fine young player. his scoring record at killie was excellent. looking forward to him building up some fitness and being played up front or just off the strikers in his actual position :)

  3. i think its possible - i think the way the money has went there's now a few teams its impossible to beat, and everyone else is fair game. i think that's why rangers and celtic have got to the last 16 in recent years with poorer squads than those we got punted out with.

  4. Lazy bar steward! not as if you have a proper job or anything :flipa:


    Think how lazy albertz was as a player... and his defensive game was very poor if being critical - still a legend in my eyes. as you said earlier, the longer he is away the more you will mellow - and i think that will happen with most fans!


    Kinda like how in 5 years time MJ will be remembered by most as king of pop, and the "scandals" will be left to jokes, or bitter jealous failures!


    damnit, i just wrote a post saying the same thing but 7 hours later, cant be arsed deleting it now :(:)

  5. It still amazes me how the foreign players get held in such high regard compared to Scottish players with Rangers fans, even now the likes of Mendes is a god with some fans,and yet for me I'd take Fergie before Mendes,you'll never see Fergie hiding or bottling out of tackles


    agree on all accounts. though i think what is happening here is normal. i am not sure how many scottish based players were considered legends at the time they played. even davie cooper got a hard time from fans, or so i heard. i think foreign players become legends quickly because of their foreigness. its hard to place someone you think as too much like yourself on a pedastool. i think as the years go on, and we dont see other players like fergie emerging the (genuine) mixture of good and bad we feel at the moment will fade and we will get to remembering mainly the good - we wont remember the press saga as harshly because we will forget that it all happened at a time of recession, general bad feeling about the club, when we could have been losing the league, and the backroom staff seemed in turmoil. kind of like the same way some people enjoyed and didnt enjoy their teenage years as they happened, but by the time they get to 40 start thinking they were a golden age.

  6. As I say, it is difficult to have a great idea of what is going on as it is devoid of many details and only alludes to certain things. That will no doubt have made it hard for you or anyone else to deduce what is going on.


    cheers for that man. i think a better article would have maybe tried to explain it, as that's the news surely, but then they couldn't use the word 'mystery' in the title :)

  7. Was there anyone willing to pay more for him? A question that none of us can answer but there wasn't much interest from anyone else, and we are better off getting the cash and getting him off the payroll than risking keeping him.


    Aye, I suppose it's his agent's fault, if anyone. He seems like a player you should be able to sell fairly easily to championship sides.

  8. I'm not an expert on Blackpool's full back so can't comment.


    However if we were buying Adam now, would you be happy if we bought him for �£1m? I certainly wouldn't.


    The thing is that we're getting to the stage where we're now the financial minnows who can afford to bloat their prices when selling to clubs with more disposable income in richer leagues. The mentality that we're a massive club offloading dead weight, while true, isn't a proper representation of the new financial relationship between the clubs we're dealing with. 1m is not too much for a player who's played regularly in, and played well by all accounts, the Champions league. We'll be 500k better off, and that's good, but I'm not convinced we couldn't get more if we didn't seem so desperate.

  9. that seems like a bizarre story. he has an injury with no physical symptoms? it sounds a bit weird that he cant tell it from pre-season stiffness, and im not sure how he can say it is a "type of injury" if he doesnt know what it is, much less its causing other stuff to flare up. it seems to be that he just thinks he should be able to run faster. maybe its the insomnia making ordinary things seem weird, but there is something not right there. the parting dig at the fans is pointless as well. a) he should be smart enough to play down the opposition to him coming back, and shouldnt be arrogantly assuming opposition has gone because they won the double, because he didnt play that big a part in it. odd interview. s_a, you are our resident expert on the physio stuff - does he is sayng sound plausible about the injury?

  10. Cheers guys...........first Chick..........now Walter..................feck it............I resign
    there is only one choice in an ian versus walter standoff around these parts mate. if he had played 442 more often it could be closer, but you would still be ahead :D:giruy:
  11. "I don't mind who wins the bid as long as it gives us more money and no-one in Scottish football can afford to say no to that". ........ St. Mirren chairman.


    that is the key point. my celtic-supporting-mate tried to show me bill leckie ranting that no other spl club would share an old firm monopoly (clearly not even listening to anything but the headlines), btu the truth is that they'll accept anything that makes them more money.

  12. i believe 100% in freedom of protest. doesn't matter the context. if the polis had kicked these cretins heads' in i would have stood in their defense. but as much as i defend a citizen's right to protest - no matter how stupid it is to protest against the people who are doing what a democratically elected government ask them to do, making the protestors as responsible for their being there as anyone else - i defend other citizen's right to kick protestor's heads in if they are offended by it and willing to accept any punishment. people were spontaneously offended by their filth and done what they felt is necessary; i can only applaud them.


    in a natural justice sense, these cretins got what they deserved.

  13. Afternoon Guys,


    You may have seen me on other forums, in fact, I use this username pretty much everywhere! Looking forward to checking the site out, and, getting to know you all


    Cheers for the directions here Frankie :)


    welcome! :D

  14. the only thing worse than a bigot is someone who earns a living exaggerating and provoking it (or providing it justification) by unfair and disproportionate criticism. its like someone who comes down hard on islamic fundamentalism dishing out wholesale and unfair criticism of islam as a whole while giving some aspects token and insincere approval; it just embattles people, and its intentional. i prefer people who think islam is a bckwards medieval religion and dismiss its followers to ones who give it token praise to mask their hatred. obviously an accurate picture is what is most needed, but when that is failing i would prefer an honest one, even if its full blown hatred. an honest hatred of rangers would be preferable to the insidious approach of spiers. that said, shroomz is right - condescention, or pitty, is the most appropriate response to his sort - anger is what he is after.

  15. maineflyer, it's actually united a dispirate group of rangers fans to work on issues together. it builds momentum by getting the sort of fan collaboration you need for any sort of lasting change, and makes the fans realise that they can have a larger say if they work together. it must be great up there on your high horse, but what you say is irrelevant, because there's no reason to listen to you. you speak for yourself, and you're far too easy to ignore way out there on the "i'm defined by what i hate" fringe. instead of contributing to the project with your views, you ignore it, wait until it's finished, and then slate it. and then wonder why the rangers fans wont unite behind your understanding of the problem. no-one here was back slapping beyond taking a reasonable amount of encouragement from working together - the very thing you'll need unless you plan on mounting a silver steed, storming ibrox and ousting the evil dictator by yourself. n_c said it - while the fans are divided, there's no hope. but every step short of complete unity isn't failure, and if you are not pleased with the lack of murray-hate in the document you should at least be trying to appropriate the sense of collaboration for your own ends. telling other fans their achievements are shit is just playing right into murray's evil divide and conquer plans, effectively making you one of his cohorts.


    the only positive claim you've made on this site is that reclaim rangers are a serious outfit..... while we're talking deluded....

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