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Posts posted by bmck

  1. One thing mentioned above than makes my blood run coold is the idea of block votes - if that becomes a reality we had better find something better to occupy our attention and not waste time on Rangers.


    Not that it's making your blood running cold isn't proof enough, but why exactly? :D I dunno if it's a good idea or not - seemed to me like a good idea, but I've not thought it through. What makes it bad?

  2. Just to throw an idea out that seems to run contrary to the current OMOV thinking. I think there perhaps should be a one-fixed-sum-one-vote system. This directly corrolates investment to responsibility. This needn't be thought of, however, as a shortcut for high net worth individuals to positions of prominence if you have an important caveat. Namely, that groups can block vote, and elect a representative who represents their concerns and intuitions. For example, you only need to look at the difference between maineflyer's and, say, calscot's perspectives. These tensions are always going to exist within the support. With the block voting system high net worth supporters aren't put off from investing the substantial capital we need by an attendent lack of return; similarly, small net worth voters wont feel impotent provided they find themselves having concerns which align themselves with sufficient numbers of other people. In this sort of system high net worth investors' motivations to maintain their own power will naturally align themselves with the majority opinions so as to stay the possibility of large block voting against them. High net worth investors will have the carrot of large support and the stick of severe undermining to always act in the club and majority's best interest. There are loads of flaws with this idea, but provided a decent constitution is drawn, with proper checks and balances and weighing of votes it could work.


    You could essentially model it on Classical period Athens; with board positions have fixed one year terms.

  3. im not sure where this stuff about british nationalism comes from. its certainly not in scotland, despite the hordes of evil rangers nazis that abound in the mind of journos, that we have elected bnp members as meps. most rangers fans i know are centre left, when you get down to it - or, like most britons, uninterested at all in politics.

  4. i agree with craig. i'm not sure anyone's even saying we've got a 17 year old midfielder who can replace him. football isn't analogous to other jobs. if you play crap, you get stuck on the bench till you get your chance again and prove yourself.

  5. even looking at newsnow as a sample set.


    first we can divide them into those affected by bain's statement and those unaffected, going only by the headline - not even the content of the thing.


    Fans blame police for Rangers crowd trouble - unaffected

    Fans criticised after unrest at Gers clash - unaffected

    Rangers shamed by small group of louts: The David McCarthy verdict - unaffected

    Rangers chief demands UEFA probe as fans involved in half-time riot with Romanian stewards - affected

    Rangers look into fan reports - affected

    Rangers fans sprayed with CS gas - affected

    Gers complaint over crowd trouble BBC Sport - affected

    Rangers to complain over crowd trouble - affected

    Rangers boss: police response to crowd trouble "totally unacceptable" - affected

    Rangers to complain to UEFA after crowd trouble - affected

    Soccer-Rangers to complain to UEFA after crowd trouble - affected

    Unruly fans add to Rangers’ woes in Europe - unaffected

    Gers chief exec condemns "unacceptable" violence - affected

    'gers Chief Condemns Fan Trouble Sporting Life - affected


    the majority are affected. of those a significant portion focus on the complaint rather than the violence, which is a win. i imagine of those affected which still place the trouble in the most prominent position in the title, offer some balance within the article itself because of the rest of bain's statement. no matter how you look at it, the statement has tempered the harshness of the news, and so it's worked out well in relative terms.

  6. this shouldn't be applauded because it's atypically ballsy. it should be applauded because it's clever. getting to the effectual truth of things, as machiavelli would say, you can control the news story to some extent by taking the lead. journalists don't care about truth, as we all know, but about stories. when you don't give them a story, they fill in the blanks with whatever nonsense comes into their head. but once you give them an angle, once the dust inevitably settles on their "thugs in europe" caper they'll look to rangers for a statement. then they'll see bain's statement about the complaint and turnstyles and tear gas and they'll be a brand new story. some journalists will say it's deflection but they don't have the freedom to ignore it, which gives the impetus back to us. they'll have something else to fill their papers with. the news about rangers can be managed so much better if it's approached in a more clever manner. this is a good first step.


    we get some photo of an elderly person in the crowd looking oppressed and/or vulnerable and the negative aspect of the story is functionally dead.

  7. BD, i heard that murray moved all his investment out of steel production and into property. dont know when it happened or if its true, but it seems like if it were true and the vast majority of his investments were in property, is the immediacy of all this now a direct consequence of the recession and its impact on the housing market? if so, wont everything just be merry and as it was when it eventually picks up, if indeed it does?

  8. everyone remembers celtics financial woes, and we all had quite a good laugh then im sure. and though things are really pretty hard, one small consolation is that we are going through all this in our rightful place as champions. near financial ruin and still the best scotland has to offer :D :spl:

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