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Posts posted by bmck

  1. what he actually said:


    "I didn't even know about what (Fortune) said so it didn't motivate me," said the Gers utility man.


    "I think we have our own motivation and that's to win a title. If you can't get motivated about that, then you shouldn't be playing for Rangers.


    "With them slipping up on Saturday, it was important that we got the three points. But that's the case for any game, especially here at Ibrox."


    nothing remotely samarasesque.

  2. Only yesterday I was told of one guy on RM who I know quite well being told by a FF'r that he wasn't a true Rangers supporter because he didn't support the protest. And this kind of irrational nonsense is going both ways. I heard him use the word 'factions' and I'd have to agree - these large boards are essentially opposite factions. And that's no way forward for Rangers Football Club.


    It's all still quite young though. Factionalism is not always a bad thing - infact, faction (ie: the seperation of power) is enshrined in American and other judicial system. Factionalism makes collective action difficult but it also stays group think and the harsher extremes of the cult of personality. The real problem here is, though, that neither FF or RM or anyone have any real power yet - so rather than factions appearing a mature and necessary management of disagreement they seem disproportionate and petty. The bottom line though is that people are going to disagree, and are congregate with those who think like them. It's perfectly natural.

  3. To me it is a point of principle. Celtic should play free flowing attacking football. Its what we are known for. We have flair and the huns are dour. Its our positive approach to playing football that has won us the support of so many people over the years who aren't from a traditional Celtic background.


  4. I wonder what Smith can do - he's been out with horrible injuries, has barely regained fitness much less match fitness and probably wont get 3 games in a row while he stays with us. I want Papac back as well, because he's consistent - but I do feel for Smith, and all the other players who are expected to come into the side despite not being match fit and give world beating performances. Hutton didn't get good until necessity gave him a run of a million games.

  5. You will look awesome in a see you jimmy hat mate.


    Heh, you are just saying that cause you know you there isnt a see you jimmy hat in existence that will fit over my hair and stop me looking like an extra from mars attacks. Still, if it makes positive id from the night before more difficult i am up for it :D

  6. Very good post mate, straight to the heart of it.


    I think people need to shake the disgust at this being the case. Its the situation itself that makes it hard to know who to protest against. The reason for this is obvious - all the people who may be at fault are the people who we need to tell us. They are all best served in maintaining silence. Murray cant piss off the bank, the bank cant overtly piss off the fans, the directors cant piss off either murray or the bank because they cant anger them. The sentiment that everything-is-fucked has no object. We all know it is the case, and we have people who are in the know saying its the case - but no-one is either willing or in the position to say exactly who is responsible. We cant say "we want this better state of affairs" because no consortium speaks publicly. We havent gt the money to buy the club ourselves. My only hope is that a protest against the wrong person will at least force them to take up a defensive position and spill more information. The only sensible direct protest is against Muir or Johnstone, and for them to tell us exactly what the score is. But "please give us more info" seems a weak basis for a movement.

  7. In a weird way, Frankie, we don't know specifically what we're protesting against.


    Nail on the head for me. I want to protest at something because it's all screwed, but there are no clear objectives because there is no clear solution and no clear obstacles in the path.

  8. At least your honest mate. Does she know you're scared of her?


    I dunno mate - if she's ever read my diary she'll've seen I've spotted how much she likes the cat's big eyes and have been dilegently trying to perfect them half an hour each day for the last two years.


    This is the best I've came up with:



  9. Maybe they're hidden, maybe they're watching you smoking your joints and bitch slapping the wife about with a can of Stella in your other hand.


    That's utterly outrageous mate. And absurd. I never hit Pauline outside, and I only ever hit her with the hand the can is in.

  10. Don't know about Glasgow City Council but in North and South Lanarkshire they don't have cameras pointing at every primary or secondary school. As for schools having their own cameras, again, that's news to me. Never heard of that being the case.


    I dunno. I didn't have any proof or anything. I just thought Government-loves-cameras-Government-thinks-all-kids-are-in-danger-there-will-be-cameras-there. Och well.

  11. Who knows although I believe you could be right. I live nearby, well about a 10 minute walk away, I also drive by his house frequently and never noticed any CCTV cameras belonging to the council.


    A wee bit suprising given it's also straight across from a primary school. Don't they usually have cameras?

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