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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Remember we owned them? What exactly happened there, anyone remember?
  2. I would imagine if it's no longer the case, the figure will be higher, rather than lower. If there's suddenly a more 'flexible' agreement, it'll be our 'right' to pay our debt more quickly than 1 mill per year.
  3. To be fair, I dont think Bain's the problem, and he's been, at times, pretty good since Murray has gone, or took a step back, or whatever it is he has done.
  4. Also, 3 players just isn't enough. You can't lose all those players who could reasonably expect to start a game, and replace them with just 3 players 'of a decent standard'. Making a big deal of promising that is like some company taking double the amount off on a direct debit and saying not to worry, that they'll promise to pay most of it back so long as you're patient. GRRRR.
  5. The more I think about this, the more I believe that our current strategy is based on the idea that this is our last year of champions league football and the revenue it brings. Even winning the league, the money men, I imagine, will statistically think it's too uncertain to count on getting through qualifying ties, especially with Ally in charge. Sound investment this year would make this more likely, but not certain, and leave us without the ability to recoup. It sounds a bit far fetched (especially the thought that they're planning that far ahead) but it seems in keeping with their general strategy of going forward with the mimimum possible resources and taking any success as a bonus - they seem unwilling to speculate to accumulate in even the most basic sense.
  6. Unless he was drunk I doubt there was much chance of his arse touching the marble in any era. What do you think of him as a signing wabash?
  7. I think we have to entertain the possibility that the current state is inevitable, and that Rangers will never be able to speak with anything like one voice under any circumstances - no matter how extreme. Getting a fan elected onto the board wouldn't and wouldn't have made any difference. I think it's a good thing that we're not kid-on united like Celtic fans, and that there isn't one Accepted View of any given situation, but I just think things are just going to pan out with no plan wherever the current takes us until we're taken over, which itself probably wont be for years.
  8. I'm one of the bigger Walter Smith fans but we've had nothing but mixed messages. He's also been apparently complicit in the buy-your-season-tickets-we-have-money-to-strengthen-and-dont-need-to-sell marketing scheme that's looking quite dubious. I honestly think, as with any player, if they need to be persuaded to stay it's probably best they go.
  9. Anyone else not that happy about the slight vanity fair involved with the recent interviews with Walter Smith? It seems his Last Minute Decision To Stay has been taken primarily at the behest of Ally McCoist and not some overarching ambition or desire to succeed. I understand completely why he would would vaguely need the blessing of a person who had been promised the job, but the truth is that we aren't a monarchy, there are no heirs to the manager's 'throne'. It seems like there's been no focus the desire to progress, or to build, or even to consolidate - it's been all oh-I-was-all-ready-to-go-but-they-persuaded-me-to-stay etc. When this is combined with the fact that he's announced his leaving, I just don't think it sets the right sort of tone for the season at all. But, then, I'm in a bad mood. I've just never had such a negative buildup to a season. Especially not as champions.
  10. Next time you complain about something I'm going to bear in mind you're a determinist wabash. Me: "What you complaining about wabash, things couldn't be otherwise?" Wabash "Aye, but it couldn't be otherwise that I complain" Me :"Ah. shit, aye. But then it couldn't be otherwise that I complain about you complaining and you saying you couldn't complain because it couldn't be otherwise" Wabash "Exactly what you had to say :fish:"
  11. How can you possibly read something as specific as panic into this?
  12. It's bad that at this stage I'm now hoping we're being conned ala "They wanted him, but he's too important - int it like a new signing?". Normally I'd hate that sort of patronising stuff, but now I'm praying for it if it means we're not selling him. Sad days
  13. This is all properly depressing. Wattie always tend to get more than you'd expect out of a group of players, and who Celtic sign doesn't interest me, but we're properly short of good players. I think the bottom line is that there are few top players who are going to fit within our wage structure, and no-one at the club is willing to snap up a good bosman and pay 25k a week, despite future sell on money. I think we're going to head into the new season with possibly one miller-level player, and nout else contrary to the noise made at season ticket renewal time
  14. I know, I felt bad for even saying it. But if we do lose the desperately-wanting-away duo then don't have decent backup while ignoring a solid bosman then people'll moan. If anything happens to DW this season - form drop, injury, possible things - then he'd be accused of being naive that it would go as seemlessly as it has before. DW is also slow and makes us have to sit back - against 99% of people this isn't a problem, but given that neither Webster or Weir is quick, it's good to have a fairly quick option there.
  15. I don't know why people want two wingers. Are we planning on the, as the WC has taught us, old fashioned 442 system? Or are we talking to wide men in a 5 man midfield with one striker? If we're thinking 442 I'd prefer three ordinary midfielders, one behind the strikers, and one winger.
  16. That'll leave us with three decent centre halves and hopefully with money to re-invest in creative players. I think Weir/Webster/this dude will be the kind of level of centre half we can realistically expect, excepting when we find something really special. How much have you seen of this lad to know he's not going to be as good?
  17. i would imagine wilson and bougie'll be gone, so there's only webster/weir after that. we'll be lucky to get a full season out of weir. you need three centre halves.
  18. Sincerely doubt he'll be a squad player.
  19. Either that or footie chat will explode with the continued Boyd debate down south. :spl:
  20. No, sorry I meant Boyd was the only one who could strike it from distance, and you're right it improved towards the end. Like set pieces and all that, it's one of those things you think they could improve on with sustained practice surely. I remember reading that Morinho when he was with Porto had all the strikers and attacking midfielders divided into two with one half practicing shooting and the other following up and they got loads of goal from it in Europe and throughout the season. Maybe a wee tip for Uncle Walt!
  21. I think this is an excellent summary.
  22. Sorry, does look a bit cryptic. I trust Lafferty to score more goals than Miller purely because he can kick the ball harder more often. Far too many of our strikers in recent times (with the notable exception of Boyd) seem to just have too weak a shot from any sort of range. And if perhaps they can kick the ball harder than I give them credit for, they never ever do it well. What was the last goal from outside the box we even scored?
  23. Aye, he seems to be able to kick the ball hard. Miller doesn't really seem to be able to do that.
  24. He actually would for me too. It always puzzled me that he managed to be top scorer at Dundee, and then scored a barrel load for us, but he was still never seen as just one-of-the-strike-force. I honestly thought, at the time when we signed Kenny Miller, there was nothing KM could do that Nacho couldn't, and Nacho had the additional virtue of occasional top drawer finishing.
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