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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Way to summarise, sir Cammy.
  2. gisabeeer it makes me happy when you are happy.
  3. I was imagining a front 3. Pretty harsh to drop KM, but I'm not so loyal to him as to keep playing him if there's a better player.
  4. Ach well Though our idea of a dream forward line has been eroded over the years, Eidur and yer Austrian dude would've seemed a dream front team to me.
  5. Without looking up what I don't know: Attacking midfieldier Eidur Gudjohnsen is perhaps being followed by Scottish Club Rangers. This evening the same [Rangers] have entered into negotiations having officially ratified their intentions (?) with Monaco. On loan last season at Tottenham, after a disappointing first part of the season on the bench, Gudjohnsen doesn't find himself in Lacombe's plans, and hopes to leave in order to find first team football (ie: playing time). That's on a first look mate, probably much is shit.
  6. remember it being said that it was 30k odd.
  7. Whatever you think of KB it's ridiculous it's caused this much tension. I think you guys just need to chill out.
  8. I've always liked Naismith but it's got harder and harder to be a fan. He's an intelligent player, and he scored goals at Killie. Don't think he's a midfielder or winger though and we've not had a second-striker-off-a-main-striker setup for years. Ultimately this is his make or break year.
  9. I don't share their opinion but I can understand it. Both presented themselves as Rangers diehards who jumped ship when it suited them like any number of foreigners who would get abuse. I personally don't think it's as simple as that with everything that's going on behind the scenes, but i can understand people being pissed off.
  10. he looks promising. you'd need to see him over 90 mins tho.
  11. Don't wish them any harm, but they've left the mighty glasgow rangers to goto a middling english club. Good servants to the club, now no longer worthy of our attention
  12. 2-1 us. pedro L scored for them.
  13. Well constructed goal. If only SPL teams played with a high line
  14. oh ffs. this was the only one i'd gotten excited about.
  15. 14 first team players is so low.
  16. The Lennon press conference was on in the work when he was confirmed as manager. It may just be me but he mentions how he's in charge, it's up to me etc, in every single thing you see from him. He's probably being pressed by journalists, but saying you're in control is the way to look least like it. I'm honestly not sure NL will have the mentality, specifically the guile, if and when things start to go wrong.
  17. I didn't realise the second bit was an excerpt from twitter for a few minutes
  18. Cheers for the rundown Gribzoid.
  19. I think it's a difficult one. The day you find being lied to acceptable probably isn't good in any normal avenue; but, as much as I can sympathise with maineflyerian view that happily indulging it only contributes to the sickness and isn't good for the club, I still think your view gets more at what being a fan's all about - I can understand people's anger but, at the end of the day, what are you going to do? We can't afford to buy the club and do things better and so the only choices left within your power is follow your team through good times and bad (we've just won the league for goodness sake!) or don't. No-one likes being treated like a dick - and the club seem to adept at doing that - but when push comes to shove you'll be there every other saturday and'll be able to say your desire to see The Rangers is bigger than any other concern, so on yersel!
  20. I thought about that analogy as I was typing it out, and I'm wary about drawing comparisons between two really complex things. I think the best part of the analogy, though, is how we look at it from a fan's/citizen's perspective - accepting cuts have to be made, do we trust those that are making them? I'm giving the Tories a chance - Cameron seems influenced by Red Toryism, which I think cares far more about the downtrodden than anything the left's produced, if I were to care about these sort of things, which I don't, but ffs shuttup me - but I'm not sure I have enough evidence left to give a uber-corporation-Lloyds and Murray a chance.
  21. No, but the question is whether cutting so drastically compounds the problem or resolves it. Getting rid of waste and living within your means are important, but if you dillute your stock too much it becomes harder to recover - to mix metaphors awfully.
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