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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Hey, I'm not saying he is right. Boyd'd've been the first person I'd've kept. I would like someone seemingly mobile like Jelavic up beside him and sold Lafferty and the rest of them. But I'm not running things..... yet :spl:
  2. We've got to keep him till he's 35? That's utterly ridiculous.
  3. It's probably more like both - he's worth more if the manager thinks he is, in pragmatic terms, and we get to see if he's right May 2011.
  4. He does seem largely past it. Wrong side of 30, wrong kind of signing. I was actually taken in by our supposed mid 20s targets at the start of the summer. I don't doubt they'll do a job, just nothing to get excited over
  5. Anyone else just dropped a few temazepam because they can't deal with the pressure? They're cewirojlafdly woerking fofr me.
  6. I honestly don't believe any of them. Not because I think they're intrinsically dishonest, I just think they're motivated to see things from a perspective that most suits them - and what suits them will change depending on factors at the club etc. I don't trust Wattie to be giving an exact account of what went on - or Boyd or Bain - but I do, largely trust Wattie to run the club. So I won't trust what he says, which let's face it has chopped and changed, but his motivations in saying it. Bain, SDM, etc, I trust far less, but simply because they don't seem overly competent. There's just nothing we can know in all this, so it's largely just picking out the quotes or nuggets that already confirm your preferences. I'm just going to stick to watching the football and not try to dissect what's going on behind the scenes and who to believe and that sort of thing - think it's a fool's errand.
  7. Sure there is. There's no if in terms of what he'll give, but there is an if as to whether we'd be better with someone else. As I said, we all have our opinions, but it's only Wattie's that matters. I don't think we'll sign this boy, but he may (yup, that word) be better than Boyd, and actually have some sell on value as a young prospect. I was a big Boyd fan, but he's off now. I want the best possible replacement and would rather pay more for someone with at least the possibility of being atypically good than a workhorse. We've lost a few strikers so paying him a little more doesn't bother me, so long as it's within reason.
  8. It's worth it if he's a better player. We'll all have our opinions on whether he is, and none of them will be sensible as we don't know that much about Jelavic to say. But if he's better, then it's worth it - both in terms of team contribution and sell on value.
  9. Beattie? I'm not following transfer deals anymore. This is just awful. An exciting prospect to fecking aging has-been-never-was that will probably do a job but in that way mcculloch has that you could never possibly become excited. Sure I'll be happy at the end of the season when these aged pros have secured us the title but for now I'm just out. I can't be arsed with it.
  10. I just went to SSN's site after reading the first line.
  11. Aye the 31-year-old-never-was euphoria. It's going to be hard to sleep tonight. Still trust Smith (the manager one) knows he'll do a job.
  12. ^ That's a fair point. It's probably easier to be excited by someone foreign because you kid yourself on there's a chance they could be spectacular.
  13. I find the boldened bits a bit cringeworthy. I don't think we should be expecting much from our youngsters.
  14. Looking at Rangers.co.uk that verdict looks almost prewritten. That said, I've been convinced since I saw the youtube clips.
  15. sign the dude that played that pass!
  16. Aye, didn't indulge him/them with a hit, just saw it on newsnow - may very well have been in the tabloids first.
  17. was it not scotzine that started this story?
  18. He's a knob, but Samaras is a good player. I think in a decent side he could do well.
  19. That Barazite looks like a bit of a prodigy. Can't see Arsenal letting him go other than on loan.
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