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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Or for me to say it's one area where MF's scathing and unforgiving cynicism is hard to criticise. Anyone willing to predict when the next wave of lets-put-our-grievances-aside-and-join-together-in-harmony will flood the boards, and whether the good sentiment and spirit of inclusion will co-incidentally, of course, be accompanied with a chance for them to get nearer power? Don't trust the trust loyal.
  2. Eh? Calvinism with a large C is the reformed theology least impressed by free will - predestination, particular atonement, perseverance of the saints etc. I used to be a Calvinist, bizarrely! I've no idea what point you're making at all here.
  3. I can see why people would say Big Lee was captain material - he's uhm, big, and despite myself I can't help but say he can turn matches. He probably has a fairly big personality and commands respect. He can put in a tackle, and can score goals when it counts. But the one thing that completely undercuts all these things is that he's a frustrating player - the one thing a captain can't be is frustrating as a footballer. You lose all that motivational high ground when you feck up three fifteen yard passes in a row and have the crowd on your back, and Big Lee's far too prone to that. The other prone he is is fairly injury prone. I don't think we have any standout candidates which can be the only possible reason people think Lee is a natural candidate.
  4. Ah right, that's probably where I've picked it up from.
  5. Ah well, I thought I'd heard something about that somewhere at some point.
  6. Would the sponsors be happy with all our speculations here? Isn't there some legal, or perhaps, tacit agreement that teams should field their strongest 11 to be eligble for the sponsorship money? Especially the OF?
  7. Got to be Edu for me. Nothing against big Lee, but, so long as we aren't losing or dropping points, I'd give Edu a run of ten or so games to build up some form. He hasn't had that for us before, and god knows Lee's had more than that in the past before being dropped, so I think it would be worthwhile giving him the run before deciding whether he's on form or not. Davis hasn't played that much better than him this season.
  8. Cousin was a complete nightmare. I would've honestly paid him off after any of the numerous sendings off that cost us dearly. But to be fair to Walter Smith, despite his managerial quirks, I think he's the best manager at getting the most out of players with the numpty temperament (aparts from maybe Big Kyle). Cousin was a personal horrorshow both in France and after us, if I remember right, and I think that we got the moments of absolute quality we got from him is nothing short of a miracle. Wouldn't have him back though.
  9. No, the SPL is a typical small country league with two huge (well one huge, and one big) teams in it. It doesn't matter what the prospect of playing in the SPL are; the SPL is the quality of the players that it attracts. Having two bigger teams means the SPL's quality is slightly higher than a country of comparible size with no bigger teams. We've had players that are 'too good' for us playing for us for years, according to F_H - the only sensible answer is that they're not too good for us. As a good player you can either player for an average team in a big league, or big team in an average league, and many players have chosen the latter with little regret.
  10. This is nonsense. The level of SPL is the level of the players currently playing in it. You can't say it would crap if the SPL were SPL level, because that's just what it is. You might have players who are better than most of the other players, but that's true of any league. You've almost made a square circle in an attempt to rubbish the league. It's not a great standard, but it has big enough teams in it to attract good players, which ups the overall standard. Bougherra's clearly not too good for the SPL, because he's in the SPL. He may be one of its best players, because he's a lot better than the average player, but that's like saying Rooney's too good for the EPL. Utter tosh.
  11. Sorted. The internal review of procedure will be published later in the year.
  12. Damnit, I can't even remember my own password to go in and change the thing
  13. I'm not willing to point the finger of blame at anyone, let alone Frankie, who was responsible.
  14. It's reactionary, but I'd just pay him off. It's like the Rosenthal saga except with him going off to the player of the year for someone. If it would cost half a penny less to pay him off than to pay him the rest of his contract, I'd do it. He'll never play for us. Guy can't help being injured, but if he's this injury prone we should just part ways and accept that this guy's never going to pull on the jersey and be worth anything like anything we've invested in him. It's so fucking annoying; you can't be angry at the guy because he'd hardly choose to be injured, but ffs.
  15. Looking cool Lenny boy, looking cool. Time to start pawning those prints.
  16. He'll be warmed up for the knock out stages. Why are you on here? You have better things to do.
  17. I'm happy with this group.
  18. Surrender or we'll riot!
  19. Same! Commmmeee onnnnn! Group F would be ok.
  20. I've asked this before. Why is it we're actually in such bad nick and celtic aren't? Where did the money go? After DM underwrite the gross DA debt, how have we managed to slip? It's not like we've had a massive influx in signings for years.
  21. what time's the draw?
  22. Bad Zappa! Your sensibleness won't make a difference tho, it's still only going one way
  23. So, who would you have, in an ideal world, rather had leading the line this year? :box::fish::spl:
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