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Everything posted by bmck

  1. The people at the paper said they would be happy to do it, which takes any hassle out of it, but cheers muchly for the offer!
  2. Hey everyone involved, I just got a response from the Danish newspaper. I've copied it below, it really is very nice and encouraging. The sooner we can sort out a text to send the better, I think, so we can get an accurate price. I'm particulary happy they'll send Brian on a copy! -- Hello Barry, Thank you for your very nice email, and for your interest in The Copenhagen Post. While it is sad news about Brian Laudrup, it is nice to know it is touching so many people over in Glasgow, and we would be happy to help you publish a message of support for him. Given the nature of the message, we will do our best to give you a suitable space at cost price, and our designer can help make your message look nice. However, we will need to see the text to confirm the size and price. Would you be able to send me the message? We can also send you a copy of the newspaper when your message appears, and we will do our best to send a copy to Brian Laudrup as well (or we can do so on your behalf if you already have his contact details). As we are an English paper, it will not be necessary to translate the message into Danish. However, if you would like, and depending on the size, we could print your message in both English and Danish, as that would be a nice touch for Brian and our Danish readers. We can translate the message into Danish here if you would like, as we have bilingual journalists. I hope this information if helpful to you. Please send me through your message when you can, and ask me any questions you may have! Best wishes, Amanda --
  3. Agreed, I think a modified version that included that sentence would be perfect. I've e-mailed the Copenhagan Post, which is an English language newspaper. I've tried to phrase it delicately so that we're looking at how much an advert would cost but with plenty of scope so that if they happened to say "We would be happy to publish a message of support" that's possible. I think getting a message in is most important so we should get an advert - dependent on how prohibitive cost is - if editorial niceness isn't possible. I'll certainly contribute what I can.
  4. craig, I was going to try and get someone online to translate it, but if you know someone, that would be infinitely better. MF, as it was your idea initially, would you like to draft a short message and post it here? That way everyone can comment and agree on it, so everyone's involved, and craig can get it translated if possible. In the mean time I'll be able to contact a few Danish newspapers to see how much it will be for an advert of that length.
  5. I think it's an excellent idea. Unless anyone's already looked into what's involved or would like to, I'm happy to do it tomorrow morning.
  6. The guy works for Real Radio, it's hardly a suprise. You can say anything is 'little more than' something if you've got the mind for it. The point he makes is right, and well argued. I'm certainly glad to hear it regardless of the motives.
  7. I can see your point about the topic being derailed, but the merits of the RST are always going to be a topic of discussion given how many people are interested in fan representation.
  8. I hadn't heard about this. What made people suspicious they were auctioned?
  9. Agreed, if anyone is an exception to the rule, it's Brian Laudrup.
  10. Not signing up means I'll never forget. Life lesson in there!
  11. Don't doubt it for a second. It seems to have happened so suddenly you'd be forgiven for thinking it's co-ordinated. But it won't be, you'll just probably have a few first generations of Catholics with properly developed sense of 'cause' and quite bitter backgrounds getting to Uni and saturating the very small Scottish media market. You combine that with the changes in education, with the skeptical view of institutions and its general unwillingness to have enough certainty to stand against strong claims for oppression because of its relativity and moral outlook, and you end up with a lot of bitter and evangelical-about-it tims writing news stories. You only have to see how crouched in qualifications, hedges and padding any story that either criticises celtic for bigotry, or praises rangers supporters, defending rights to sing songs etc, to know that there is a huge invisible tide of this faux-leftist position that has come to dominate the really small but self important Scottish media. That’s an excellent observation. We have many cultures but only one shouty one with a sense of cause. The rest of us are either too comfortable, or too intoxicated by the current general tide of scepticism of institutions to question whether the shouty people really are an example of a people oppressed that recent history has made such an impression out of. Agreed. The sad thing is, though, that there will be loads of ordinary joes that, because of the shouty ones and lack of criticism, just accept what they talk about as given truths, but not worth shouting about, because no-one stands up to it. It’s somehow got to the stage where if you want to be a reasonable person it’s pretty much assumed you agree with their nonsense, and going against it is a sign that you’re to be viewed with some degree of suspicion. Feck them tho.
  12. There's so many ridiculous contradictions like that (incidentally, highlighted without bigotry in the Famine song) it's unreal. If you hate Britain, you not only wont celebrate, but actively condemn Britain even in the freedom's won in the world wars - if they are genuinly objectionable to you, why be here? Property's cheaper in Ireland and it's not expensive to get there. Why don't you go home? It's not in any sense bigotted to say that. I'd like to think the people who actually think like that among the Celtic support are fewer than we imagine.
  13. The one thing I would say about his assist for that goal was that it showed a guile none of our other current and recent forwards have shown. I think everyone from Boyd to Nacho would have just turned and blasted it towards goal. Given that it was at such a key time in the match, I'm hoping such guile may be invaluable as we go through the season with a threadbare squad.
  14. She's having an affair, m8 - as sad as it is, there's no other explanation. :fish:
  15. Bit of an expensive sub. More expensive and less versatile than Novo.
  16. he doesn't exist any more, i doubt he's that fussed.
  17. each to their own, m8. i do like a wind up, but abusing someone's memory who isn't hear to defend themselves and using child abuse in oneupmanship's not to my tastes.
  18. That's truly awful. My wee maw'll be devestated, the only Rangers player that came close to Stein for her. Such sad news.
  19. the BJK 'campaign' is honestly timmy-level scummy. the song's great though, so addictive. minutes of applause are a copout. jambos comments are excellent though: "are the serial mourners highjacking another anniversary as their own event?", "Lets rise above those verminous cretins on Saturday folks and show them that we're not the same as they are on remembrance Sunday's. Leave the vile bile to that mob, they're used to it."
  20. Although I'm not that bothered about protestant heritage, I think you're right. I was thinking last night about why it is people (the average uninformed person, say) think that Rangers fans are bigotted in a way Celtic fans are not, and it's simply because Celtic fans have better adapted to the essentially religious ideas of Good and Bad prevelant today. All the old symbols of power The Upper Classes, more recently bankers, old institutions be they universities or media, Empires, Organised Religion are all being viewed suspiciously, lumped together as something shameful, with the story of overcoming the oppression of such institutions being the great moral triumph idea of the day. The (obviously good) emancipation of blacks, women, gays etc has now become the greatest idea of good, and now everyone is looking for ways in which they are oppressed. How many times have you heard something called modern day Apartheid as a great expression of condemnation? It especially suits Catholics to play the oppressed card in Scotland, long after, as your comments about the GCC prove, they can reasonably say they are oppressed, because it stops people looking on them as they are, examples of Organised Religion with absolute conceptions of truth. In other parts of the world, the same religious hatred of old power sources is causing the catholic church to take an absolute beating, but not here, because they have adapted so well to playing the victim, and everyone's too scared to challenge it, because the second you say they're not oppressed the current religious dogma says you're no different than a Nazi/Apartheid-advocate/racist/homophobe/Israel supporter, and there's nothing more evil than that. I think the tide is turning, though. I don't think even ten years ago it would have been possible to cast a black person as a baddy, or consider that they might also be racist. But now hip hop music and all its extravagant displays of wealth display equality, there's lots of parody of it that's acceptable. This is good, it shows maturity. It shows blacks have succeeded in overcoming oppression and people feel unselfconscious enough to interact and poke fun at each other unselfconsciously in a way that wouldn't have been possible before. Once people realise Scottish Catholics have been pleading oppression while throwing their dominance in everyone's face, it will be OK not to like Catholicism as a religion again. Personally there's a lot of Catholicism I like, but much more I dislike. Why is it OK for Dawkins to say that, but not a Rangers supporter? Is that not essentially middle class suppression of the working class, if we're looking for oppression? Does whether you're a bigot essentially matter on how educated the person is who'se stating the thing they don't like? I'm not sure how the thread got here but it's the same old fight to be on the 'right' side of the day's idea of good. To get back to Andy's post, when it comes to football at least we should be willing to GIRUY to any sort of idea of good but our own. I'd love to see us buck the trend and get rid of all the tired ideas of valuing effort over skill and such things and lead the way in a technical football revolution!
  21. Demerit's what you used to get in school when you were bad!
  22. Even yer man Calvin was a bit apprehensive about being too certain about the ol' eschatological matters there wabash. You never know, though, John Reid's as good a candidate for anti christ as any :fish:
  23. Now that I think about it, I think I may have proof read one of my mate's contributions to this book, so may buy it anyway. Does anyone know if the money goes evenly between the contributors?
  24. More than a nice man, I'd say �£800 - credit to yourself for organising it, the man for donating it, and the generous bear willing to let his desire to own something amazing co-incide with his taste for good causes. I thought we only ransacked cities and that sort of thing? Great work.
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