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Everything posted by bmck

  1. The Sky people were fair. It was a game of contrasting philosophies and if your appreciation of football can't widen to enjoy that, then you're an arse.
  2. Particularly enjoyed the crystal clear no pope of rome!
  3. Man, I didn't think you even had to sign up, but it looks like you do. It's free. Aye, it's pretty simple - if you just follow the instructions on screen you should be ok. If you're unsure about anything in the process, just give me a shout m8.
  4. You don't have to sign up mate, if you follow the link you can still send as you would with a card for any other thing online. If yuo have any probs, gimme a shout.
  5. Guys, this will be published on Thursday. For details on how to contribute please see the announcement at the top of the forum, or click this link http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/announcement.php?f=3
  6. Impractical advice. As many fights, whether on the street or full scale wars, have came about as much over loss of face as they have over personal interest. That people will almost always respond to provocation is human or any animal nature, and the reason why most police forces in the developed world don't use heavy handed tactics, at least with people of their own nationality.
  7. Guys, when work calms down a bit I'll give you more details on what's been said in organising this. One passage it's worth quoting is this: I'm also arranging independently to buy around 15 or so copies, so that I can send everyone who contributes their own copy. I asked if there was a way people could do this themselves, so it could be sent straight to them, but this is a bit of an organisational nightmare and not something they're set up to do. This'll be organised once we've paid them, though, and I'll get everyone's details at that point. Cheers! Barry
  8. Agreed about the cost, it's great. When I looked into it, not thinking about the distinction between local and national newspapers, I stumbled across the Guardian's - much shock and trepidation:D
  9. They decided to go with just a simple elegant approach as appropriate to the message itself. Attached is a copy of how it will be presented. The total is (in calculation into pounds) �£210, which is cost price. I'm just about to e-mail the couple of members who have credit cards and said they would be willing to pay the amount up front and have the rest of us pay them back. I'm out on site at the moment and will post more details when I get back. Laudrup.pdf
  10. Yup, sorry, been very busy. They have our text, which they loved, and their graphic designers are currently working on producing a draft (which I'll post) and themselves a price.
  11. Did he mean we're not going to win the game, or win with the GMP and general attitude towards us?
  12. Impossible to say. The players playing for Middlesborough were the average/core players, alongside which better players from abroad etc make the difference. More to the point, if we went to the EPL it wouldn't matter what like our sides were - the size of the club would quickly push us into the top half, as with a bigger budget we could sign a higher callibre of player, as we've done with bigger budgets in the past.
  13. Don't think its overshadowing it m8, it's clearly not your intention - just friendly discussion about the best way to go about things, and you're 100% right to say what you think Don't think there's any danger of it becoming a debate.
  14. Like Zaps, my initial reaction was to completely avoid it. But when people mentioned it, and I thought about it, there isn't really any compelling reason not to include who a message of support is from, even if it so happens to be a website. Even if we include "Everyone at Gersnet" or something similar rather than gersnet.co.uk. There should definitely be scope for everyone to have their say and disagree, so if that's the case at the end is everyone happy to go with a simple majority vote?
  15. Good shout, I'd definitely be reluctant to see it encroach on the message itself. If you read it aloud in the main message, even just the sound of the word 'gersnet' seems a bit modern, would stand out too much, and go a bit against the tone that's created. Important the focus is 100% on BL and what he universally means to Rangers supporters, as fits words that manage to expresses this without sentimentality or prolixity but with strength and sincerity. As a signature it works fine if everyone's in agreement.
  16. I naturally used Glasgow Rangers when I wrote the original e-mail as it seemed most appropriate for the audience. For me, we're the Rangers, but for other people who may not even know about football etc it's best to include.
  17. Gazza, with respect to the Gersnet reference, I'm not sure what to think. It's good because that's where it's from, but you don't want to detract from a piece of writing that's strong enough for Rangers fans of all persuasions to group around, or have cynical people any scope to say its tainted with even a hint of self-interest. For me the most important thing is it as an expression of support from Rangers supporters to Brian Laudrup. That said, I don't think mentioning Gersnet actually detracts from that, it just amounts to signing your name in behalf of a group people. What's everyones thoughts?
  18. That's a good question, man. Certainly something I'd be interested in. I'll make sure to ask on Monday.
  19. Thanks for that MF. To be honest, I think its perfect; certainly something I'd be entirely proud to put my name behind. Captures the depth of feeling with the utmost dignity. Great work. P.S The only reason I mention cost is because I'll only be able to contribute a bit myself and don't want to be presumptuous with other people's generosity.
  20. I think it will be needed, but at a cost rate rather than full price. When I get a price from her on Monday I'll ask about payment. The only thing that worries me is that I've no idea how much a cost price is, much less the full price, and therefore how long it will take to cover it. I think with the flexibility in the publishing dates there will be scope to take a little longer to get it together, if required. She's away for the weekend and won't be back until Monday, so hopefully we can sort everything out in the interim.
  21. Cheers for doing that MF. She got back in the afternoon and said if we could send it on by Monday it would give them plenty of time for their next print run on Wednesday. Hopefully that'll give you enough time to pen something either tonight or tomorrow, and let people have their chance to provide some input, and then get back to her on Monday to find out the rest of the details. She said that if it we weren't ready by Wednesday then that would be fine too, they'd just need to plan for the next edition.
  22. If it was just unreasonable or reactionary people who criticised the RST, I think they would do well to ignore it. I just don't think that's the case. A lot of really genuine and charitable people I know just can't bring themselves to trust the trust, and I think anyone who's followed what's went on even slightly would feel hard pushed to say they weren't, at least in part, justified.
  23. We've agreed with the Copenhagan Post to put up an advert. They, very kindly, will do it at cost price, and provide the graphic design and Danish translation. I won't know how much it costs until we have sent them on the piece of writing. The really personable person there got back to me this afternoon and said that if we get it to them before Wednesday it can go in for Thursday. I think it's unwise to ask people to donate until we know how much it is - incase it's prohibitively expensive, or not as much as people have already donated. Times are tight for everyone so we'll find out how much it is then ask everyone who is interested to let us know how much they can afford to contribute and we'll try to work it out fairly from there.
  24. I think we should minimise any self-branding. It may be best to just include the word Gersnet as part of the text in who its from, and perhaps leave the visual presentation to them as they'll make sure it's in keeping with the paper. Happy to be contradicted though, especially if anyone has any good ideas.
  25. I replied to say thanks and that we would get back this afternoon, hopefully to give MF enough time to write a few words, and for everyone else to have their input and agree on a final version, before sending it on. I think short and decorous would work best. I've no idea how much cost price will be though.
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