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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Think it's quite natural when the league is so close to soften the blow of an utter shambles by thinking 'at least it's not set us back in the league'.
  2. Hibs 1 (Mark McGhee pen) Rangers 0
  3. Pretty classless comparison but Mark McGhee is utterly pathetic.
  4. I think Weiss has shown not only this good attitude, but that he's willing to learn (defensive duties versus Valencia). He's far more talented for his age than anyone else we've had on the books for a long time and if anyone'll help him improve his game its our coaching staff. Hell, they've turned KM into a goalscorer and may yet turn Kyle Lafferty into a football player. The last thing we need is to get on his back as we seem to do with every incomplete youngster.
  5. Wingers often have a poor final ball, but what they do contribute is hard to quantify. Weiss has had a lot of excellent games, and his willingness to run at defenders gives us the impetus in a way that's hard to measure in terms of assists and such things. He'd be in my starting 11 every week.
  6. Interesting El Chico's singing a different tune to to "Neil, it was never a penalty, have you seen it yet? A truly shocking decision" one he was after the game.
  7. Top notch pete. Great read to wake up tp!
  8. Haha, I loved the silence in the seconds before he said it. Robson going "Aw, aye, I bet yous did something similar .... you know, you'd say "We have the better players" and "if we play to our strengths we'll win" you know..." *some silence* "Come on, did yous not say that? Did you not say you had the better players?" *Pause* Boyd: "No, we just knew we had the better players"
  9. No-one likes us... we don't care
  10. I dunno, you're only as good as your coach :spl: He could've been Gleny Beckenbauer if Walter had got hold of him In all honesty, he is utter gash though. Neil Lennon's not done himself any favours. You can see his thinking in getting big tough defenders, but they do still have to be decent. To be far, they're far from the biggest club we've outmaneuvered this season
  11. What need is a video of Papac getting snapped and then Broadfoot going down with Radiohead's "Karma Police" playing in the background!
  12. The term "Old Firm" doesn't imply equivalent parts. If we're two sides of the same coin, that's fine. Just so long as we're the perfectly polished Queen's side, and they're the scummy grubby token 'other' side
  13. You put both hands on someone in the box and it's naive at best.
  14. I don't think you get to call it babysitting if it's your own weans, Frankie - that's just parenting I'll get round to publishing it later, I need to head out to some calls and catch up with all the work I missed when sick (including sending out the copies of the Copenhagen Post which I'll do this afternoon, sorry all!).
  15. Red, white and blue scarf tied tightly round his neck, Ally steps out of the echoing close into the crisp sunlit day. He exhales his hangover, and turns the stark winter air moist. He should have stopped drinking earlier on Sunday morning. He should be sleeping now. But he didnââ?¬â?¢t, and heââ?¬â?¢s not. A few miles away in town, one of the few remaining construction projects is running behind. The bosses, with furtive fears of administration, are offering triple time to the cash strapped workers. The site should be a buzzing hive of reluctant industry. But itââ?¬â?¢s not. On Old Firm day that which ought to be the case often isnââ?¬â?¢t. And at roughly 1:30pm, the away side lost the precious first goal. The half drew to a tentative close. Statistically speaking, an away win should never have been possible. As referee Willie Collum blows the half time whistle, the Celtic players walk towards the tunnel, punching clenched fists in the air. The fans join their players in frenzied optimism: around Parkhead tens of thousands of 'people' who understand the importance of the first goal; the importance of being the first to draw blood. However, a sidewards glance towards the Rangers fans shows despondency notable only by its absence. Theyââ?¬â?¢ve been here several times already this season. They watch the players follow their manager off the park ââ?¬â?? bloodied, yes, but unbowed. What they canââ?¬â?¢t see behind the resolute expressions is the determined machinations of implacable will. As well as an often neglected portion of skill, it is this invisible and limitless determination which has brought Rangers back from behind in 4 out of 9 games, and held the cream of European football to creditable draws. If it had a face, it would be rosy red with thinning silver hair. If it had a voice, it would be soft and polite and prone to saying ââ?¬Å?From our own perspectiveââ?¬Â. Walter Smith has overseen the best start to a Rangers season since the 1920s and Bill Struth. The Old Firm victory he tasted at the final whistle has not lost its sweetness for its familiarity. In the clamour of vitriolic noises about cheating and referees, an unholy choir led by defeated managerial neophyte Neil Lennon, at least one Celtic Fan doesnââ?¬â?¢t lend his voice. Instead he writes ââ?¬Å?Hurry up and retire Walter Smithââ?¬Â on Facebook and goes to sleep. While many column inches will be devoted to the patterns of play, horrific fouls, penalty decisions, missed opportunities and relative quality of the players, the difference between Rangers and Celtic at the moment is just one man. A man that tried to sign Glen Loovens, against whose thigh the ball ricocheted and, with a fatalistic sense of inevitability, tumbled towards goal - tipping the balance of the game irrevocably back towards Rangers. At the final whistle both Celtic fans and Rangers fans find it hard to imagine Glen Loovens as a commanding and worthwhile centre half ââ?¬â?? the former in their despair, the latter in their relief. Yet the man who typified Celticââ?¬â?¢s surrender would no doubt have started the game had he chose Rangers. He may even have been man of the match, and joined a list of names including Cuellar, Naismith, Broadfoot, Bougherra, Miller and Papac in becoming more, under Walter Smith, than they had previously ever been elsewhere. He perhaps should have. But he didnââ?¬â?¢t. A few hundred miles south of Glasgow, Dave steps out into a contrastingly warm early winter Sunday morning. He misses Glasgow, he wishes he was home in the stark winter air, under the cold and cloudless autumnal sky. Yet he has an odd satisfied expression on his face. He has spent half an hour scanning odds, and stumbled across a bet that he likes. Celtic Half Time, Rangers Full Time. It is a silly bet. Away sides donââ?¬â?¢t come from behind on Old Firm day to win the game. He got such good odds because itââ?¬â?¢s a result that should never have been possible. But it was. By 3pm, Rangers have shown why theyââ?¬â?¢re champions and Dave has collected his winnings. By 5pm he has drunk them. He should really be in his bed. And, actually, he is.
  16. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/spl/rangers/rangers-may-finally-start-to-get-credit-they-deserve-1.1063478 I'm fairly sure we took the lead against Valencia ya clown! Still, some grudging praise is nice
  17. Love some of his picture descriptions: http://willievass.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/241010-Celtic-v-Rangers/G0000APntnfTRbk8/I0000L3pvBa6osfA
  18. One of our members had a Celtic-First-Half-Rangers-Full-time bet.
  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4RY-eJgHHs]YouTube - Ice Cube-Today Was A Good Day[/ame]
  20. Wasn't fussed being down at half time. Celtic are so, so poor. I bloody missed a ticket because I don't have a phone, so, so, so gutted, but it's hard to be sad on days like these. The sky is blue, all is well with the world. Winning - it's the Rangers Way!
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