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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Maybe I'm just too used to Walter's guarded brevity, but that just sounds like a load of nonsense to me. For example, he seems to misunderstand the reason why refs would be forced to reveal who they supported (IE: so they couldn't take charge of games with teams they support). I'm not sure what happened when he went to talk to the referee after reading it 5 times, and the whole tone just seems a bit inappropriate. Probably just me though. While there's no chance of McCoist being the unmitigated dick that NL is, it's hard not to think he's going to suffer from a similar inexperience - especially when you read these things. At least he's served a good apprenticeship.
  2. I honestly worry about McCoist becoming manager.
  3. Our club seems reactive in every sense. Whether it's sectarianism, finance, or the media, we seem to just adapt to things as they happen rather than being involved in planning some vision for the future and proactively going about making that state of affairs happen.
  4. BD, I've contacted the people, as I've noticed a few things. Our account was migrated as a priority, but there will still be minor intermittent issues until all the accounts have been completed.
  5. The thing that I find most annoying is that Celtic fans/UEFA/our club is how casually they allow real actual people to be tarnished with that label. We can have a laugh and joke, and play bigots for a bit and stuff, all in good fun, but when you actually legally start saying someone's sectarian you are referring to them in terms broadly between chav and paedophile, somewhere near racist, in terms of how much disdain its viewed with in wider society. It's just not on, and it undermines some very real sectarian issues that are going on in the world.
  6. Aye, it sounded like a bit of a dig, which is just utterly inappropriate. I just don't even understand why Ellis is involved in this. He doesn't have any money. What is he bringing to the table?
  7. Certainly not you! Just anyone who finds TBB sectarian. I'm just annoyed that the club's given in and called people who sing TBB sectarian without acknowledging how littered with inconsistency the whole thing is, and without providing an actual definition of sectarian. Highly irresponsible. It may be sectarian under certain definitions - but what are they? Why aren't they up for scrutiny? It cuold very well be sectarian to call someone sectarian. I know what racist is, but then if the Famine song's racist, I'm not that sure. I'm even less sure what sectarian is, if TBB is sectarian.
  8. You find this sectarian? I find you sectarian for finding this sectarian!
  9. I wonder what his colleagues make of him.
  10. bougherra is the big loss for me too. defense is going to be too slow. we'll have to camp right in.
  11. I read the thing on the BBC and was absolutely shocked (well, actually, no, not really) that it is being portrayed in that manner to the wider world. "Celtic hopes this draws attention to refereeing standards". FFS.
  12. This isn't the only time he's been upto subterfugious (?!) activities with me. Only a month ago he mailed me a copy of Football Manager from the Carribean in a shameful and unabashed attempt to distract me from my study. I've my beady eye firmly on him.
  13. TRAITOR! I mean, err, thanks
  14. If I spend any more time working on this while I ought to be really working I'll be getting fukking sacked anyway I think :D
  15. I do realise, just thought everyone deserved an explanation of what's been going on in the background. It's been severely, severely annoying. I'm hoping, too, it's all resolved now.
  16. I sincerely hope so! Apologies for all the hassle. We've had to do a number of independent upgrades recently. The first, Vbulletin, was necessary because of the security issues. As with Microsoft and everyone else who makes money from licensing software, you only get updates for things like security if you also get the new versions of the software - compatibility for previous versions is rarely a concern, and is often actively made antagonistic to ensure everyone gets the latest release. The teething problems associated with the new software are really just capitalism's fault I done the forum from 4am to 8am to try and make sure it had the least effect and everything since then has been Frankie trying to customise it to everyone's taste. A fairly good service The second, which has been the cause of the last few day's woes, was a migration to an upgraded server on a faster line in an altogether happier more plentiful server farm. It seemed, at 3:30pm yesterday that this had been the first such migration ever to go broadly smoothly and all was well. It quickly appeared that this wasn't the case and I've been trying to get it sorted since. My lease of the server is a hangover from my old web development business, and so any technical issues that arise within its day to day running I can sort out - but in cases of migration between servers and things of that sort, I have to just ask as firmly as possible that the people who own the servers and do maintenance work sort it out. In fairness to them, they've been working on it all day - but, then, that's what I pay them for. If I had more control over it I'd hoped to have got it all organised more quickly (or, better yet, ensured it was all tested and worked first time!) but I couldn't do that in this situation. I just had to rely on them getting it done. They assure me that everything's now sorted and that the migration teething is over and done with. Apologies for the hassle but I honestly had no way of getting it all sorted more quickly. While we count on you being arsed posting, it has been worthwhile because I've witnessed first hand in the past week how much more f*cked you'd be with a hacked website, and the upgrade of the server is for everyone's benefit. This is just one site I host amidst paying clients and it would be foolish to pass up an upgrade on the basis that something may go wrong, and in any case it wasn't an option as the old server was running into hardware problems that would have resulted in even more problems. Nonetheless, I realise it's a pain in the ass. So sorry about that. If you all want to chip in I can run my own server farm and have it be my job to do the technical stuff for Gersnet, I'm more than willing
  17. When I read that comment I assumed he meant lucky/unlucky as in the Valencia game. Never heard of a lucky/lucky person. What does it refer to?
  18. Notice he doesn't say to what end, just leaves a space for those with ignoble motives to fill in their bias. Honi soit qui mal y pense.
  19. "I thought Ki (Sung-yueng ) and (Shaun) Maloney were world class today and defensively we were excellent as well." "I'm not a prophet or anything like that but I've been in that situation many times with Celtic." He's losing it.
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