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Everything posted by bmck

  1. Unusual turn of class from Lenny. Probably unwise for him to make comments about spitting, but nonetheless an unusual turn of class. Here's hoping it doesn't turn out to be merely veneer the next time he doesn't like a decision.
  2. Brilliant article! Hilarious satire on the lengths journalists seem to go to bring Rangers fans in as pantomine villains for passive aggressive liberal moralising. Oh, no, wait. He was being serious. They're becoming a parody of themselves.
  3. ... teleport back to the 90s when people actually played this formation!
  4. I'm glad we've supplemented the squad and not commited to anything long term in short term signings (ie: Beattie). Diouf, I think, is a properly contentious signing. The guy's a bit of a scum bag but also an excellent footballer who's antagonistic enough to be useful. Even if we half invent a tradition of Rangers-class that encompasses both being pretty decent as a person and also talented as a footballer, Diouf really doesn't meet that. Spitting on a Celtic fan doesn't redeem the bad thing's he's done (muhaha), but we can't afford to be picky morally in times like these. Or maybe these are precisely the times we ought to be. Can't help think about MF's post about us laughing at Celtic's rushed and ill-thought out signings in attempt to compete back in the day and thinking it gives these signings a sense of ominous foreboding. That said, Diouf is of a quality we can't afford. If he wasn't such a dick we wouldn't have had a chance of signing him, and uncle Walt's got a decent record of getting the most out of people with a bad attitude. He'll certainly test Celtic's we're-no-racist-honestly claims.
  5. Tempting to reinstate the word filter to swap Boyd for "The person who has now left and ought not to be a point of division anymore ffs".
  6. Of course dude, you're the one doing it. You took credit for my survival the last time.
  7. It goes back to the age old story of us and lack of movement. If WS can have one criticism is that his natural defensiveness or solidity means that our players effectively forget how to run into space. We either give it to someone who beats players or players a killer pass as we're naturally moving forward - but when we have the ball in the midfield and are passing it around while they've came back there's seldom any close knit runs into space with sharp passing to create the impetus or space. I remember when Laudrup came he'd often just roll the ball to the side to make people run and it took a while for the rest of the playres to click on even then. A similar thing with Weiss - if you give him the ball and there's four players round him, two players should be running to make use of the space. I think they don't because we rely a lot on the rigidness of our formation. There's so much value in a lot of the little things we don't do. For most bigger clubs almost every pass in the final third has an associated run that makes a one-two possible, even if it isn't used. That's how you open teams up when there's no gap in the channels or they're lying to deep. It's just an aspect of our game that doesn't seem there. I think it's maybe because despite being the dominant team in the SPL we have the players and system that's more adept at counter attacking.
  8. brrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm brrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum we're big eckto's barmy army!
  9. We're on! You good for a tap? Do you think I'll escape death again? I'll have to break this to P gently.
  10. At most he should had had to apologise to the person involved. Only the most hateful feminist would think this was a really horrible insult. Much, much, much too far.
  11. Incase you've not been following our recent history, it's not like we can cherry pick from already established players at top sides. They're both good internations with decent records in the kind of league we play in. That's what we're aiming at in general. Silly to aim any criticism at Walter for signing them retrospectively.
  12. He also chose to sign Jelavic. Signing players is always a gamble. I''d've thought players like Velica and Webster, with their records, were a fairly safe gamble but apparently not.
  13. MON left because the board wanted a younger and cheaper squad.
  14. Bandwidth's not an issue. We turned it off ages ago because it got a bit ridiculous. With some common sense limits (maybe no graphics, character limit) it may be good.
  15. I think even our posters, beacons of sense though they are, who don't want to keep Weiss are insane. Weiss can do things no-one else can do. His inconsistency is a consequence of him being both a creative player and ridiculously young. By the time he's a bit older, and gets more consistent games, he'll be a top European player and I'd like to keep someone with his skill at Ibrox as long as possible because there's a good chance we wont see anything equivalent for a long time.
  16. "In a priggish or self-righteous society Cleon [a tabloid journalist] would occupy the same social status as a prostitute. His social contacts would extend only to clients, fellow professionals, moral welfare-workers, and the police. Indeed, in a society which was rational as well as priggish (if such a combination could occur) his status would be a good deal lower than hers. The intellectual virginity which he has sold is a dearer treasure than her physical virginity. He gives his patrons a baser pleasure than she. He infects them with the more dangerous diseases. Yet not one of us hesitates to eat with him, drink with him, joke with him, shake his hand, and, what is much worse, the very few of us refrain from reading what he writes.... "....Even when the rewards of dishonesty are strictly alternative to those of honesty some men will choose them. But Cleon finds he can have both. He can enjoy the sense of secret power and all the sweets of a perpetually gratified inferiority complex while at the same time having the entr�©e to honest society. From such conditions what can we expect but an increasing number of Cleons? And that must be our ruin. If we remain a democracy they render impossible the formation of any healthy public opinion. If the totalitarian threat is realised, they will be the cruellest and dirtiest tools of government." - CS Lewis, years ago
  17. I think we're fine on that front. Since the Kirk Broadfood penalty Celtic's sophisticated barometer of ref assessment (did they go to St. Secondary?) has been sunk. They have no idea of the world they now live in, no way to tell establishment from celtic minded.
  18. 1. It's just stupid to think women can't fuck up decisions for a living as well as men. 2. It's sexist to think that they fuck up because they're women. 3. It's not a big deal. 4. If this really is a crime then by a very small extension of logic we should have microphones on people all the time to make sure they don't hold any intolerant views.
  19. The boldened bit is what I'm talking about really. The 'many' who've been critical aren't all that many, and usually dispirate and disorganised and thought of as a little whacky by the bulk of the numbers. It's not that 'we' need to be more willing to listen to new opinions - people online that aren't slavishly devoted to one group already try and go where the best ideas are. I thought VB were a bit nutty and extremist, but they've done excellent things and we'd be happy to support anything worthwhile they done. Even at the time when the RST were being evangelical about unity around the same time they had some idea for a fan investment scheme, we'd probably have supported that. But if you mean 'we' as in the Rangers support, I don't think the big numbers, the bulk of the numbers, will learn their lesson without a disaster. I don't think Rangers fans are just like that, I think people everywhere in history are like that. We pretend we're not like that, but our 'recognising' there's a problem largely extends to saying it on a forum (well, mine's does) because life throws up other things. That said, you're right about it being possible at just the right time with just the right person saying it. It's not something we've managed so far though.
  20. But we will. There are two scenarios, I think. 1) We get a new owner in the nick of time, and put blind faith in him in precisely the same manner and leave it to chance whether he deserves it or not. 2) These times truly, as you say, become something to aspire to in an even more depressing future of obscurity, in which case if we ever do rise again we will be critical of owners. I think these are the only two options. People only get wise about things after unmitigated disaster. For those of us who think about it, just now's unmitigated disaster but in reality the current state's the tip of the iceberg.
  21. Aw aye, we're full of one off contradictions here man. We have this guy who's the apotheosis of vitriolic niceness, an intelligent policeman, a hyper rationalist who thinks an indendent scotland's a sensible idea. There's no end to the unlikely, even impossible, contradictions you get on GN.
  22. Glad you agree mate, but as cool as Craig is and as awesome as it'd be to live his life out in paradise I'm alas Barry.
  23. Anyone else find it hard to think about Robertson without associated feelings of anger for his amazing but disallowed goal vs Celtic?
  24. The tax issue really must be the thing that's undermining this. The tax issue aside we look a really good buy if you're sufficiently loaded.
  25. I remember, when we were all talking about the bank protests, saying the fact that there's any doubt about precisely who protest should be aimed at shows that we're wallowing in a mire of misinformation. No-one know whos responsible for what. Walter makes some anti-bank noises when it suits him, Bain makes some pro-bank noises when it suits him. The only reason we all have no idea whatsoever who works for whom, who is the enemy within, who is cutting the transfer kitty to nothing, is precisely and necessarily our owner's fault. No-one else has the power to break cover and say, as everyone's fighting their own corner within the structure he's created. If we actually want the truth we need to go directly to the only person placed to give it, and the person least likely to.
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