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Everything posted by bmck

  1. bmck

    Walter Smith

    It's becoming increasingly tickly, though I do feel increasingly like Europe is actually mine. Thanks for asking Frankie.
  2. bmck

    Walter Smith

    I wish everyone would please stop arguing for the implicit censorship - either by insulting to silence, or moderating or philosophy or whatever - of people with differing views. As a wise, possibly enlightened possibly bi-polar, poet-painter once said in his proverbs of Hell "Without contraries there is no Progression". We have no fixed top-down philosophy, and change as the posters change. The only thing that stays the same is that people must remain civil and also not be too touchy. The board is better for the fact that people have hugely widely diverging views they're willing to argue to the hilt. This means people are going to argue, and it's going to get heated, but we'll deal with any excesses as they arise - by and large people moderate themselves. The forum always seem fine to the unannoyed people and decaying to people who are annoyed. That's natural, but let's just remember its a forum and move on.
  3. Yup, no-one moved. Every time he came deep to try and start something no-one moved at all. The only sensible pass ended up being across the backline.
  4. bmck

    Walter Smith

    MF and I don't really argue - without him I would never have known smilies could be used like that. Everyone wins.
  5. bmck

    Walter Smith

    I just kicked your guitar in the face. Any more cheek and you're relegated to Cymbolist (you can keep the capital letter) in the band. I cuddled the guitar afterwards.
  6. bmck

    Walter Smith

    It's so unusual for you to go on a wee rant like this. Never seen it coming. PS The warning was to both of you for insulting calscot - see Frankie's point of order thread. It wasn't a big deal till you (uncharacteristically, it has to be said) made it one.
  7. bmck

    Walter Smith

    It's standard procedure to edit insulting posts, as you well know.
  8. bmck

    Walter Smith

    Ooops indeed! It's OK, history's all changed, and it's now very well said. Warnings in the post. Please let's all be nice and stuff.
  9. bmck

    Our midfield

    100% right. Game lost in the midfield - that we were fundamentally outpassed is about the sum of it. We absolutely cannot retain meaningful possession when pressed. It inevitably ends up at papac and just a hoof forward. No triangles, no movement, no vision. Davis must feel undroppable. Edu gave almost every single thing he done away. He didn't make it for it by pressing and forcing mistakes either, Coming to think of it though - have this midield ever played together before?
  10. This should be obvious, but just so that people know, as it has came up recently. We do not allow registered users to hide their IP while using the forum. It's good to use anonymising tools, and it's perfectly fine to use them to read publicly accessible parts of the website. It's not OK for the private forum, where each person has to be able to be identified uniquely - this is how we keep out timposters, and ensure people don't bypass bans. Cheers.
  11. bmck

    Walter Smith

    Right, come on. Let's not turn this into a tim style implosion, lads. Let's bear the result without turning on each other.
  12. It's all irrelevant. We'll get more of the same, and have to make do with the small joys and disappointments it brings, until we get rid of Murray and have someone at the helm with a vision of what sort of football club we're actually to be.
  13. Not if the product on the park's anything to go by.
  14. bmck

    Davie Weir

    Definitely. David Weir is a legend, but he's had an absolutely terrible season. This is an absolutely horrific performance.
  15. Lafferty is realyl, really young. He's shit just now, but there's enough there. We just can't afford to give him time.
  16. I get this sometimes and thought it was just me.
  17. I'd like to think there'd always be a place for me here, if only because there's no forum software I couldn't hack
  18. bmck

    Welcome Thread

    Good to have you aboard the board
  19. I think Ally's heart would break and identity be torn in two if he stopped thinking he was a bigot mate
  20. I hope the vocal celtic fans we hear unfortunately all too often don't read that article. I think they've come to believe their own lies so much, hearing the idea that singing something which might offend their delicate wee ears is not actually a sin suitable for eternal hell might cause them to explode in a big ball of self righteous fury.
  21. Laughed out loud. eta: I'm really glad the VBs liked the article - from what little I know they seem difficult to please as a point of principle.
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